What is your thought about your mate?



Some people were born into greatness, some have greatness instilled in them and have to nurture it to be successful in life because not everyone will be born with a silver spoon...Yet many fail to understand this concept of life, they mock you for not being fortunate as them ...

Life is not cool for everyone, that you are settled and well to do does not mean others are on the same page with you.

Some of us did not further our education after our secondary school, some of us got married while some of us are still struggling with life in the hope that someday our good will become better...

Some of us still find it difficult to even eat twice a day ,some of us travelled out of the country,some couldn't while some went back to the village .some of us has seen hell and still facing hell in the hands of politicians.

Some of us ,the last time we saw was when we are still in secondary school,some of us has become freedom fighters purchasing freedom with our blood. Still i believe as long as we don't give up, life will smile at us someday...

Whenever you call or run into your past mate,let the conversation be simple and don't feel bad if they look good or doing well because you don't know the story behind their success instead let it be a source of motivation to aim for the top..

That we are still alive should be a thing to celebrate.

Stop making people feel less because you are working,engaged or well settled.

its much easier to sulk about our disappointment and hardship than it is to search out what we can be thankful for even in the midst of trouble.

Abbidex care
