¿The future of video games?



Some currents maintain that the end of the world will come from the hand of humanity itself; or rather of its tendency to create increasingly useful and sophisticated tools. Something that has been intensified thanks to those works of popular culture whose plot center focused on the same thing: we have all heard or seen how Skynet will control the army of machines that will end us tomorrow, or that Matrix in which We are already immersed to fuel these artificial entities. However, if we move away from all this and understand that, well used, technology has proven to be an extremely valuable resource for the advancement of humanity, the tension is reduced a bit. And, precisely, the world of videogames is no exception to this, with streaming game technologies being one of the closest future goals and Google with Stadia being one of the companies that will most strongly bet on achieving them.

The fact is that I had the opportunity to lay hands on Stadia, see firsthand how some of their options work, try two of the games that will arrive with the system and chat with some of those responsible to bring you complete impressions What do I think about the commitment to the future of Google video games.

The playable experience

My main feeling with Stadia was one full of great contrasts, ranging from the hottest points to other times when Google technology showed certain shadows. But one thing was clear to me above all: it is one of those that blow your mind when you start dreaming about its possibilities and, above all, for the break it proposes with respect to the traditional method of enjoying video games. A break that came in the form of a brain spark when I was playing with Stadia and realized that we had forgotten that there was no console in front of me; as it happened to me when enjoying a degree with a significant technical load on a mobile phone.


In the first instance, the work of Tequila Works presented an amazing fluidity, of those that impact and that makes you feel that the future is a little closer thanks to this new type of technologies. The drawn ones, the effects of light, the shading… Everything in GYLT coordinated perfectly to offer us the feeling that Stadia has enough potential to make a good place in the videogame industry. However, when I switch to Destiny 2 and, above all, we replace the visually friendly image of GYLT with a huge amount of enemies on the screen, shots and lights everywhere or, in other words, the epilepsy of the good, the thing changed towards other paths. Some in which the game experienced punctual falls of frames that, although they were not constant, if they appeared frequently enough to hinder my actions in the game; even getting to the point that the image freezes for a couple of seconds on certain occasions.

I cannot say with total certainty that Stadia is the future because not even the cosmos knows what will happen tomorrow, but what I can say is that the Google service conveys the feeling that streaming game could be an important part of the future of industry if the pieces end up fitting correctly. The company has a good basis on which to start: Stadia's potential in terms of concepts such as comfort added to that tendency so characteristic of the company to work towards making its products accessible (something that is reflected, for example, in that it will be compatible with different controls and keyboard and mouse) would create what could be a golden opportunity for the industry to take a step forward. And if they end up nourishing the catalog of their subscriptions and adding options as the months go by and polish the service so that the incidents that hinder the gameplay disappear, they will have the winning formula.

