Comparing Posting In NARRATIVE Publications to STEEM


I made this analysis for purposes of seeing how my posting in the new NARRATIVE publication Fantastic Femme Fiction compared to posting in my own personal journal on Narrative plus cross-posting to STEEM.

For a little background, I "own" (which is actually a 12-month lease) the niche (same as TAG here on STEEM) of FLASH FICTION. I paid $75 for the 12-month lease and as "owner" I earn 6% of everything that is earned by posts tagged to my niche. NOTE: In seven months I've earned $12.68 from the lease.

NARRATIVE recently introduced "Publications" and you have to apply to be a writer for each publication. Anything you write while under this agreement is owned by that publisher and you cannot post it yourself anywhere else. To top it off, whatever your post earns, the publisher gets an agreed-upon percentage of your earnings.

So let's proceed to the analysis. I'm choosing three posts from my personal journal and three posts that I submitted to Fantastic Femme Fiction, sticking to strictly Flash Fiction stories for the comparison. I'm running this to see potential earnings from the posts.

First, the Fantastic Femme Fiction posts:

Don't Mess With My Daughter! (23 Votes, 5 comments)

My earnings of $0.31:

November 5, 2019

Rewards / Content (Don't Mess With My Daughter)

655.46285043 (The total was 873, of which 218 (25%) went to the Publication Owner)


Conspiracies Abound (8 Votes, 7 Comments)

My earnings of $0.32 :

November 5, 2019

Rewards / Content (Conspiracies Abound!)

691.2 9944367 (The total was 923, of which 232 (25%) went to the Publication Owner)


Time For a New Beginning (9 Votes, 11 Comments)

My earnings of $0.19 :

November 5, 2019

Rewards / Content (Time For A New Beginning)

392.38592406 (The total was 523, of which 131 (25%) went to the Publication Owner)


Now for three posts that I put in my own journal and cross-posted to Steem:

Terror in the Park (8 Votes, 6 Comments)

My Narrative Earnings of $.46 :

November 5, 2019

Rewards / Content (Terror in the Park)


My STEEM Earnings of $1.17:

Total for both venues: $1.63


Jack O' Lantern Reign of Terror (4 Votes, 7 Comments) my least popular post on Narrative

My Narrative Earnings of $0.19 :

November 5, 2019

Rewards / Content (Jack 'O Lantern Reign of Terror)


My STEEM earnings of $9.77: (apparently Steemians appreciate a good horror story!)

Total for both venues: $9.96


Operation Red Door (9 Votes, 9 Comments)

My Narrative earnings of $0.44 :

November 5, 2019

Rewards / Content (Operation Red Door)


My STEEM earnings of $4.70 :

Total for both venues: $5.14


In conclusion, drum roll, please......

Total earned for 3 Flash Fiction stories posted only in Fantastic Femme Fiction = $.82

Total earned for 3 Flash Fictions stories posted in only in My Journal = $1.09

Total earned for 3 Flash Fiction stories posted in My Journal + STEEM = $16.73


I'll let you draw your own conclusions about how profitable it is to join NARRATIVE right now.

Here's Coinmarketcap's chart for June 2019:


And here's their chart for the current month:



If you enjoy writing short fiction stories (less than 1,000 words) I'd love to have you join me on Narrative. Don't abandon STEEM - there's room in your life for both! Here's a link directly to my page featuring Flash Fiction:

Join me on Narrative

Get in on the ground floor and see what it's all about. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments.




Interesting analysis! I wonder how many people have leased a tag/niche on Narrative and made money...

Steem isn't a way to get rich either, unless the price moons again, but at least there are some nice surprises along the way when a post gets upvoted by someone or some trail with a lot of Steem Power. It's like hitting the jackpot, and Operant Conditioning theory tells us that Variable-Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement can get us to repeat an action over and over in hopes of getting that sweet payout!

Go Steem! :)


This is so interesting. I confess that for two reasons, I have not been on Narrative for a while: lots of off-line stuff going on, and because of the time taken to do the posts. Your analysis gives me pause. I'd be interested to hear whether @blockurator has done a similar analysis.


Pretty interesting!! Your analysis is about as close to apples-to-apples comparison as one can hope for. But the big question is... drumroll... are you going to keep doing both?
