Beetle and its life

Hi everyone's !!!

The animal figure you see in this post is one of the beetle species included in the Coleoptera category. But did you know that the beetle has the most insect ordo than any insect on the face of the earth, experts have classified that the number of species that have been found as many as 400,000 species were classified in 1999. Then, besides having the most species, it also have astonishing facts about beetles that you may have never known before? So in this post we will discuss about their interesting article.

Definition of beetles

In one scientific paper, S2 students in one thesis said that Coleoptera is the order that has the most species, which is 25% of all forms of animal life that exist and about 400,000 species are described as beetles. There are many new species that have often been discovered in recent years, one of which is the beetle of Therioks (But unfortunately there is no picture due to image limitations), which is almost similar to other beetle species.

So in this case it can be said that some species are serious agricultural pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle, while others such as Coccinellidae or ladybugs eat aphids and other plant-eating insects that can damage plants. So the position of the beetle in its existence on this earth there are useful and some are not useful, but essentially useful for other animals but not useful for humans.

In general, Beetle itself usually has a hard outer frame including elytra and most of them do not have a framework. Some types such as beetles have very short elytra and there are also beetles that have softer elytra so that when other beetles are hunted by ladybugs they suck them from the inside so that only elytra remains while the contents in their body have been consumed.

So it can be concluded simply that Beetle itself is one of the insects with the scientific term endopterygotes, meaning they undergo a complete metamorphosis (this has been explained in a previous post), with a series of striking and relatively organized changes in body structure between hatching and becoming adults after the cocoon stage doesn't move. So in this case the process is metamorphosis in butterflies and some other beetles.

Are all beetles categorized as destructive beetles ?

If observed, the beetle's life has the characteristics of about 75% destroyer. While the remaining 25% does not damage plants. However, a small number of beetles also do not cause economic damage, such as female beetles and dung beetles which can actually be useful to help humans control insect pests. One of the things that we clearly see is the koksi beetle which has a black and red pattern, because it exists in every other beetle environment and is consumed like aphids or other beetles which are predators for certain beetles.

So thus it can be said that the presence of beetles on human life has a negative impact and there is also a positive impact depending on the species or type of beetle itself.

If you become part of a fact finding team for each insect species of course you will know about all their daily activities, sometimes when you get information you will get your own satisfaction in finding solutions to things that can help fruit farmers or plant growers, and the deeds are very valuable from this life.

Note: This paper is adopted from the explanations of fellow research students from one of USU's faculties in agriculture
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