Different assessment of grasshopper's presence #2

Hello Hiveans ... !!!

#Grasshopper! Who does not know him ...

Everyone is very familiar with his figure, both children and adults. This is caused because it is very easy to find, it will always live side by side with humans where there are greenery it is always in that location.

Grasshopper is very identical to leaves, where there are plants, that's where he is, it doesn't distinguish what kind of leaves are no exception, whether fruit or other plants, they see fresh leaves and have good nutrition for their own bodies in continuing their lives in this world.

So it was concluded that grasshoppers are not a rare animal. As mentioned above, we can find grasshoppers in

  • the forest
  • gardens
  • rice fields
  • or even our yard.

Easily found everywhere, grasshoppers are often victims of children, they are used as local children's toys by tying His feet were then flown, so this is where the fun of the children is in making it a game.

Then his presence reaps a variety of responses for each human depending on the assessment of the human group itself. Then what is the response of each human group itself in evaluating it.

Social view

Grasshopper is one of the two animals that are halal consumed even though it has died first. Apart from fish, it is also very safe to consume when it has died and does not have a bad impact when making it as food. So as a region in Indonesia, especially residents who live in the Yogyakarta region, precisely residents who live in one of the villages near the foot of the mountain, improve their economy, besides farming, they also sell grasshoppers that have been processed into food.

Then also the people who occupy the tourist destination location also improve their economy by trading live grasshoppers for every food vendor that is made as a side dish for staple foods.

The views of the farmers

If the people who improve their economy by selling food from grasshopper sources, differ from the view of plant farmers, their presence makes farmers angry because grasshoppers themselves can become pests that damage existing plantations or rice fields managed by a group of farmers. Why is that? This is due to several cases that occurred in several regions in Indonesia namely, in 2106 in the Sumbawa area, and 2018 in East Java destroyed every rice field and other plants in large sizes.

Then in 2019 a group of locusts in large numbers had attacked several parts of the world such as Africa, China, and several other countries, their presence in large numbers was able to destroy every crop managed by every farmer so that the year's crop failed.

A view of scientists

If the presence of grasshoppers reap a variety of versions from each circle for a group of people either farmers or traders, then it is different from the assessment of scientific experts. For grasshopper's presence scientists are considered to be common in this world, although sometimes it is beneficial for some parties and does not have a good impact for some parties, so scientists intervene in finding information on how the locust's presence and what is behind its presence and what solutions should searching for.

Looking for scientists to make research in this regard, the aim of scientists to find data from this source that can be provided to provide the best solution for each group of people, whether farmers or traders, so that their observations are made as a new science in the world of education.

From each research result that has been found, the scientists provide the best solution for each group of people in evaluating it. So in this chain there are advantages and disadvantages to each party. So that each party is able to find answers and solutions for each existing case.

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In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
Photo & Video Settingsprofesional
Camerasmartphone VIVO Y12
ThemesDifferent assessment of grasshopper's presence
Text referencePersonal observations ✎
