Simple tips attract the attention of bees and how to breed them

Hi Hiveans !!!

Explanation of this post is the result of an interview with one of the wild beekeepers and tips to lure them to nest in your location.

But in experience the beekeepers themselves say that what is often attracted to attention is local honey bees like Apis Cerana.

By doing this tip, voluntary local bees such as Apis Cerana and several other species will voluntarily come to the location that you have prepared, this tip is based on someone's experience meaning it is not based on scientifically or structured tips. This simple tip has been successfully implemented for several periods that have passed.

1. The first thing that must be prepared

The main thing you do is prepare a location that makes the bees themselves goaded to visit locations that have the capacity that is appropriate to the state of their habitat, or at that location there is a lot of food or pakan for the bees themselves.

That is, at the location of the nest, there must be a lot of feed in the form of trees or plants that contain lots of nutrients or flowers that contain lots of caffeine, basically plants like,

  • coffee plants
  • sunflowers
  • wild and ornamental flowers, and any plants that look like a small forest.

If targeted at the location of the home page for example, try to plant a lot of plants so that from the view of the bee itself looks like a forest in the mountains, then the bee will soon be provoked and will soon make a nest in that location.

But don't forget that in the middle of a flowering plant, it must have a plant that is larger than the size of a flower plant or a sturdy object to make a nest.

2. Make a nesting place or main location

In this case it is called a hive object, or in the local language it is mentioned by the name Glodok. This Glodok generally comes from Glugu or may also be from coconut wood, the people of Aceh say as Tapeih, or setup a 4-square-shaped board or up to your wishes, and what needs to be noticed and try to measure a thickness of about 2 cm so that the bees feel comfortable and durable.

Then when making GLODOK or the hive, you must choose ingredients that are not sourced or free of these chemicals because bees don't like scents, they like natural ingredients.

The materials that have chemicals are those that stick to the basic ingredients, such as:

  • sawn oil
  • paints
  • preservative scents
  • and other chemicals that occupy chemicals.

When the nest box is finished, attach it to the location of a sturdy plant or plant that is in the middle of a flower plant or other plants.

Try to place it in a shady location or avoid direct exposure to sunlight, because bees don't like heat.

If the bee is often circling your house then stick it behind the house, or if the bee is often circling a single tree then place it under the thick of trees.

In general, bees will make hives when the colony breaks. While the time of solving bee colonies often occurs 2, 4, or even once every 8 months, then you have to wait for that time.

The last thing you do, then when the bee has entered the hive that you make, move the hive to a location that has a lot of honey.

Then how to do it? Or find out the location of the most honey? Then it will be explained in the next post.

To be continue...
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ThemesSimple tips attract the attention of bees and how to breed them🌱
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