Traditional wooden boat part 3

Hi Hiveans !!!

Continued previous post...

As explained in the previous post that in addition to the Traditional Timber Boat, the people of Lhokseumawe city especially the village of Pusong Lama Lhokseumawe have one of the traditional fishermen who have a certain area in fishing, and also uses one of the means of transportation in fishing, such as a very large wooden boat small with a capacity of 2 people.

This traditional wooden boat, is functioned for two ways, namely to catch fish and as a means of transporting the crew of fishermen to go to a large wooden boat anchored in the ocean adjacent to the beach.

This traditional wooden boat is very easy to function with no large costs in operation because it does not require fuel or other equipment related to the engine.

Operating area

There are several reasons for seaside fishermen to use this traditional wooden boat, because the area traveled is not as far as a large wooden ship lauatan off, this wooden boat only runs using human labor with distance or operating areas around the edge of the coast that are overgrown with trees mangroves that grow on the beach or about 500 meters distance from the beach.

Why choose the location of mangroves growing on the coast or in shallow seas?

This is due to the fact that each mangrove tree often gathers small fish such as groupers, red-eye fish, jeuneuha fish, and other small fish that nest in the roots of mangrove trees.

When the net or trawl in the moor on each circle of mangrove trees automatically every fish that play will panic because they see the color of trawl which is very foreign to the fish and when they run scattered each fish will be trapped in a container or Koncoong (fish trap) so that the fishermen traditionally it is very easy to get these fish.

The mechanism of anchoring fish using traditional wooden boats

Traditional coastal fishermen catch fish with this wooden boat, by looking at a certain time, in general the fishermen see the movement of water, such as when the water rises and when the water is receding.

Warm water will be present when the water moves up or tides, then every fish that hides in a crowd of mangrove roots will simultaneously come out of the nest to feel warm water, while looking for food, because when the water is changing from cold to warm, then every small shrimp will come out and play when the waves are high. So it is very easy for fishermen to get their catch because small fish have gathered at one point in an area.
So this small wooden boat is very special in anchoring because its small body is able to enter small passageways in the middle of mangrove forests that grow in crowds in the seaside.
With their behavior and ease in operating matters, this traditional wooden boat is very dominant and favored by shallow sea fishermen, because besides being easy, it is also very efficient in running.

Thus a brief description of this traditional wooden boat, which has been used for years in every fishing operation on each coast, especially the people of Aceh. Hopefully it is useful for all of us. Thank you very much.

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ThemesTraditional wooden boat part ✉
Text referencePersonal observasi ✎
