Excuse or Evolve


“I’m sorry, I don’t have time for this”, “No, I can’t do this, this is an impossible task”, “Maybe next week, I’m too busy this week” “I can’t do this right now. I’ll go through this later when I’m free” these are all regular statements that we make when we’re excusing ourselves of the things that should be done. What is an Excuse? The excuse is an explanation we give to justify a fault or to conceal a reason for an action.


Why do we keep making excuses to distance ourselves from our aim? Why do we procrastinate and put our projects and dreams at bay for a later time? Why do we continue postponing starting planning to lead a different life and condemn ourselves into living a life where we suffer? These are very harsh questions and I understand that. But the answers to these questions are even more alarming.


The only answer to all these is FEAR. The fear of change, the fear of suffering, the fear of failure, and what not? We’re so consumed by the anxiety that we won’t succeed and the pain of defeat will be immeasurable, that we don’t even consider trying and just for once look forward to an alternative version. We continue making excuses and keep our plans at a halt, our fear consumes us and forces us to live the same life that we loathe and are desperate to evolve.


We enjoy making excuses, it’s easy to do. This mundane existence that we’re leading is pleasant, within the barriers. It doesn’t challenge us to grow outside the limit. And we nag about it to our dear ones but never alter it. We dread changes, we’re too apprehensive of failures and what society will think of our failed attempts.


What if your crazy idea really works? What if your ideas fall on to places and you finally start heading towards your destination? There are so many “what ifs” but you won’t know unless you have tried.

When we constrict ourselves to lead a life that is easier which provides us financial and other securities, we excuse ourselves to chase what we wanted to do in the first place; mostly because we get comfortable with the lifestyle at present. The doubt and fear of failure take over, now the image that’s always at the back of our heads is “What if I failed? I don’t want to be called a loser. No, I can’t do this, at least not yet, maybe later. That’s better.” And eventually, we end up nagging about our convenient lives to our close ones that this lifestyle isn’t fulfilling your heart’s desires; and maybe at times you consider trying your luck but then you stop and go back to complain about this life.


Excuse, fear, and doubt; we build our house in conformity inside the walls of this negativity. And these negative feelings start slowly eating away our souls. Before we know it, we completely get drained out, and even though we’d want to break out of these walls, but the house of conformity is too captivating to pass over.

What does your instinct tell you to do in this situation?



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Going by a personal motto of mine, "I'd rather regret doing something than to regret doing nothing." And though it may sound rather impulsive to some, this belief of mine has helped me get out of my comfort zone in a lot of ways. 😊



Thank you so much ❤ I admire your courage... the thing is up until some time ago, I was one of those people too but I'm on the way to changing everything and I'm fully determined to do that
