Appreciation Post To Earth Real Superheroes.



The true warrior fights not because he hates what's in front of him but because he loves what is behind him -African Proverb

This post is dedicated to all the soldiers,police officers,doctors, parents,single parents,guardians and everyone out there that is sacrificing a piece of themselves everyday to serve and protect those that can't fend for themselves.

Some of these jobs like parenthood doesn't usually come with a rulebook but somehow they make it work even through the challenges.

I have witnessed love and the sense of duty take the place of common sense and override self preservation when a life is under threat like firemen running into a burning building,Health workers risking their lives for patients with deadly diseases.

So to all those who are on the front lines fighting diseases, crime,protecting the sovereignty and interest of their countries, parents ,guardians and all those in a position of power using it for the public good and not for selfish interests.

I Salute You All
