Photo 52, 2020 Challenge - Week 23 - What is missing is the school./ Que falta hace la escuela.

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This is my entry to the @photo52 photography contest devised by @wwwiebe. # photo52 is a weekly photography contest where a topic is set, this week is: School Out. If you want to participate you can still, here is the link of the contest:

Here you find the themes already scheduled for the whole year:!AhEIx14z2g9DkbcQ_MkBBO3-fNQ5PA

I want to start by explaining that we are Venezuelans living in Colombia for 1 year. In 2019 we left our country in a hurry due to the lack of electricity that had and that affected education, since they could not teach classes in the classrooms due to the lack of water and electricity.

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My older granddaughter had been promoted to 3rd. grade because she was advanced in learning and the minor was in the 3rd level of Kindergarten. With the rush, the girls' papers were not withdrawn, something that we needed to receive them at the school near the farm.

Because of that and the quarantine, they have had to study what little their mother and I can teach them. Mom explains math and I write calligraphy for them to practice.

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What are they learning then?

The school needs them a lot, they say that they miss the teacher and her friends in the classroom. Here they are learning things from the farm. The activities on the farm are countless, every day they see something new.

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On the farm there are many animals, when the duck had its children, they asked questions and were answered. They learned that they hatched from eggs. When the cow had its calf, they learned what their son is called and that they drink milk as they did younger.

Every 4 months onion is harvested, they have seen the whole process from start to finish. They and we will take a lot of lived experience that is not seen in school, but they need to be taught by a professional and finish their studies.

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In December they gave them toys at school and in February they gave them school supplies, which they have used during these quarantine days.

We already have plans to go to our country in two months and thus solve the problem of girls' studies and the little boy also enters school.

To continue learning, it is our mission and to help them to become professionals in a happy term.

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Versión en Español:

Esta es mi entrada al concurso de fotografía de @photo52 ideado por @wwwiebe. #photo52 es un concurso semananl de fotografía donde se fija un tema, esta semana es School Out. Si quieres participar todavía puedes, arriba encontrarás el link del concurso y también te dejé los temas ya programados de todo el año:

Quiero comenzar por explicar que somos Venezolanos viviendo en Colombia desde hace 1 año. En el 2019 salimos apresurados de nuestro país debido a la falta de electricidad que había y que afectaba a la educación, ya que no podían dictar clases en las aulas por la falta de agua y luz.

A mi nieta mayor la habían promovido al 3er. grado porque estaba adelantada en el aprendizaje y la menor cursaba el 3er nivel de Kinder. Con la premura no se retiraron los papeles de las niñas, cosa que nos ha hecho falta para que las reciban en el colegio cercano a la granja.

Debido a eso y a la cuarentena ellas han tenido que estudiar lo poco que su mamá y yo les podemos enseñar. La mamá le explica matemáticas y yo le escribo caligrafías para que practiquen.

Qué están aprendiendo entonces ?

La escuela les hace mucha falta, ellas cuentan que extrañan a la maestra y a sus amiguitos del salón. Aquí están aprendiendo las cosas de la granja. Las actividades en la granja son innumerables, todos los días ven algo nuevo.

En la granja hay muchos animales, cuando la pata tuvo sus paticos, ellos hicieron preguntas y se les respondió. Aprendieron que ellos nacieron de huevos. Cuando la vaca tuvo a su ternero, aprendieron cómo se le llama a su hijo y que toman leche como lo hicieron ellos más pequeños.

Cada 4 meses se cosecha cebolla, han visto todo el proceso de principio a fin. Ellos y nosotros, nos llevaremos muchas experiencias vividas que no se ven en la escuela, pero les hace falta que les enseñe un profesional y terminen sus estudios.

En Diciembre les regalaron juguetes en la escuela y en el mes de Febrero les regalaron útiles escolares, que han usado durante estos días de cuarentena.

Ya tenemos programado irnos a nuestro país dentro de dos meses y así resolver el problema de los estudios de las niñas y ya el pequeño también entra al colegio.

Seguir aprendiendo, es nuestra misión y ayudarlos a ellos a que lleguen en un feliz término a ser unos profesionales.

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I am a proud member of the #RedFish Rally of @theterminal

Soy miembro orgullosa del #RedFish Rally de @theterminal


What is the RedFish Rally? It is a program created to help you reach 500 hp as fast as you can.

Qué es el RedFish Rally ? Es un programa creado para ayudarte a alcanzar los 500 hp lo más rápido que tú puedas.


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hahaha... love the facial expressions in the 1st image :D

what a bunch of cuties!


My friend @fraenk glad to see you again. Thank you for your comment friend.


Such beautiful grandchildren. Yes, I can imagine they miss school, learning and playing with their friends. It's hard right now on them and parents.


They look like very happy children! It's certainly a tough situation that you're in, but it does look like you're making the very best of it!
