Only Six Green Things That I Need to Find - Monday Missions Entry



Let's look for six green things in my room! Not to toot my own horn, but I think I'm going to be really good at this contest. (I don't even remember where that horn came from!) Now let's move a little to the right.


Here's a wax dinosaur from the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. There's his counterpart in the background too but he (and his color) are irrelevant right now. I feel like I'm in a scavenger hunt right now or in an I Spy book.
Camera pans upwards


Oh look! A tank! It's actually a spent firework I saved as a memory from a 4th of July many years ago. It has to be at least 15 years old. Should I just toss it? (Him and his irrelevant counterpart as well?)
I thought I could find all 6 items on this shelf. Oh well. Let's turn 180°!


Despite what you may think, this isn't a piece of junk. I actually used it just the other day. It's a tool to make holes to put fertilizer sticks into. I used it to fertilize all my plants this spring. Speaking of plants, they're green too. But since I have so many I think even if I were to include one it'd be cheating. Let's move to the dresser and see what we find.


Do you know what that is? Green silly putty! I used to have so many containers of it, all different sizes and colors. Then I combined them all to reduce clutter. (That didn't really work, did it?) Anyways, I didn't assimilate this one because this one is special; it turns dark green when it's cold and pale green when it's warm.


A little to the left we find this little guy. I don't remember where I found him. He had eyes in the windshield but I didn't like them so I blacked them out, so I guess he can't see now.
What's next? Oh was that 6 green things already? I could probably find 12 more in a cinch if I had to. I heard someone say it would take them 6 days to find all the items but I did it in less than 6 minutes! I hope these photos do a good painting a picture of what my room looks like. I'm a little embarrassed but everything in my room has a story.
Maybe I need to change my hoarder ways...
