Little Cherine Book 10 - BPost042

Robbie collected dry wood, asked Maria to send a couple of raw steaks, some salad and beers. They made a fire and charred their meat.

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“I enjoyed that.” Robbie patted his stomach, took a swig of beer and grinned. “If you had been born a girl I would have married you. I don’t think I could have loved you more if I had.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“What, that I love you so much?”

Dimi was flustered, “You know what I mean.”

“Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. I think the love I feel for you gets in the way. Of all my sons, I worry most about you. Dimitri, I desperately want you to be happy and I don’t understand why you are not.”

“I’m happy, it’s just that I have some stuff to work my way through.”

“I’ve been there, won’t you let me help?”

“I doubt it - I mean, even before meeting Cherine, you knew what you wanted to do with your life.”

“For God’s sake Dimitri! You’re only one year old, Terran time. You are allowed to spend a few decades having fun and educating yourself.” Dimitri bit back his retort, for he felt Robbie slide down into a depression. After a while he muttered, “I’m trapped.” and lost himself in his thoughts again. Dimitri gave him five minutes.

“What do you mean, you’re trapped?”

Robbie looked at him and he saw the deep sadness. “We’ve had this problem from almost the beginning. I’m torn two ways and don’t know what to do. We see the advantages of allowing our healers to develop the foetus so that it is born aware and smarter than us. We see how this affects them so that they are born with love filling their tiny hearts and the empathy Normal adults only are capable of and we are amazed by the gifts they have. Then we think of the old days when babies took years to mature and grow into adults, allowing them time to be innocent and carefree as children, and we not only miss that, it feels as if we have stolen the childhood of Cherinian babies. We too lose out, for the time of childhood is something we adults also treasure experiencing in our children.

Do you know what is the worst of it all? Part of the reason I am paralysed is for selfish reasons. My wives only give me daughters and if they are born as Cherinians, the love of their mothers for me almost guarantees me the love of my daughters. Because I cannot bear the thought of any daughter of mine leaving our family, I postpone or block myself from thinking of what is fair to my child. Because of me, most Cherinians allow their healers to develop their children.”

“I don’t see what that has to do with my problem. Robert, even if I lived until I was twenty as a Normal, I would still face the problem I’m facing.”

“Perhaps you would have been better able to handle it. I don’t know, I’m not as clever as everyone thinks I am. Even if I had all my gifts and powers, without my loves everyone would have known by now what a bumbling idiot I am.” He laughed at the indignation he felt in us. “I’m sorry, my period of self pity is over, let’s get back to your problem.”

Over the rest of their days together, Robbie teased, was serious and cajoled Dimitri until just the strength of concern and attention given to him helped heal him. They returned full of laughter and Dimitri teased us as he used to. He also did not seem to mind anymore when he felt our need to hold him as a toddler or child and indulged us. We girls did commune privately and we decided it will not last, we have to find a solution that can address his problems fully. There has to be a direction to his life and we are hoping that by finding it, we will also be able to help the sons of other Cherinians. By the way, it might not apply to our family, but we have sensed some Cherinian daughters struggling with the same problem.


Freddie stopped in a dead reality and Robbie prepared a platform. Since most of it was suited to our alien friends, we guessed it was for them to perform an experiment. As soon as they left Freddie, Robbie spoke to us.

“I’m bringing Arthur in stasis to the space outside. I’ll be creating a small platform for him and transfer some of their equipment there, then I’ll remove the stasis field. Samantha, they need you to chat with Arthur so that they can monitor his image. They want to check on brain activity out in space where there will be less interference from us. Actually, why don’t you take the imps with for them to tease him, I think he’ll enjoy that.

[Deleted by Arthur.]

When they returned we saw from their excited discussions that they had new results. They promised to let us know as soon as they have studied the data.

Freddie arrived in the Andreas reality, going directly to the void. Robbie warned the Spartans we will not be here for long and they shot out to find the local Sparklers and Anadir.

“It is unlikely this Earth will have a Cherine and Robert and almost impossible that an Allan will exist. However, the less we interfere, the better. I’m only here to see Andrea and keep my promise. Dimitri, only you will come with me.”

“Are we going as Greeks?”

He smiled. “Yes. Normal Greeks, not their gods.” Dimi pretended to be disappointed.

Robbie had timed it to arrive four months after his departure. They were viewed with suspicion as they walked through what will be Limassol because of Dimi’s presence, but they did greet Robbie, half believing he is one of their gods. They went to the house of the mother of Andrea. Robbie smiled when he saw she has spent some of her wealth on improving her home and that she had guests. As soon as she saw Robbie she rushed to him and fell to her knees. Robbie pulled her to her feet.

“Have I not loved your son as if he were mine? Do not kneel to me. Has life treated you well?”

“It has, thanks to you…”

“Allow me to introduce my son Dimitri.” She looked at him, saw they were of the same age and it confirmed for her and her visitors that he is a god. “Would you like to visit your son?”

“He is with you in…the place you live?”

“No, he is in Larnaka or Skala as some call it, living with a wise man who is teaching him what he needs to know to become a good man when he is an adult. Take my hand.” As the three of them rose into the air her visitors stared with awe.

“You claim not to be a god, but you fly to persuade them you are a god?”

Robbie chuckled. “I’m just indulging myself. I have to be so careful all the time not to make myself seem special. What harm if I do so here Dimi, what’s one more god to them?” The truth is, he was doing it to make Andrea seem to be special.

Within ten minutes they were floating above the house of the old man. This time he did not smile when he saw the improvements to the house. Andrea ran out, looking up with joy.

“Andrea, gie mou, you are learning?”

“A lot Roberto, lots and lots of things.”


“Spend some time with your mother, she needs to hold you so that she knows you are real.”

As they floated away Dimi asked, “Where are we going?”

“Do you know where I’m tempted to go? To Athens. Wouldn’t it be a sight to see, Athens as it was in ancient times.”

“I’d love to see it.”

Robbie lightly ran the back of his fingers across his cheek. “How can I refuse you anything? Stay close to me so that we remain invisible to them, I don’t want to alter their future.”

Dimi had never thought of flying at the speed Robbie travelled. As they came over inhabited areas, Robbie made the energy surrounding them twist light so that they became invisible. They drifted down to about fifty metres above the buildings until they reached the hill the Parthenon is built on. They floated around it and then down to the Agora. Robbie whispered, “If we are lucky some wise old men should be here debating either politics or the gods. Thanks to Claudia we should be able to understand them.”

“How? We are not close enough to her.”

“She is sharing, listening through me.” Dimi glanced at him, but kept his doubts to himself. He was surprised when he found he understands everything they could hear. We were amused, it was his first experience of how Robbie only has to believe something for it to be true. He soon lost interest in what was being discussed and concentrated on watching the women.

“I thought ancient Greek women were supposed to be beautiful!”

Robbie chuckled. “Maybe they are while they are little girls?” That made Dimi laugh. “Have you noticed that we are seeing a large number of the original Hellenes? You can tell which ones they are by their blond hair.”

“If that is what makes them Hellenes then I’m more of an Hellene than you are.”

They joked, teased each other, but also were careful to see as much of the sculpture and architecture as they could, marvelling at the clean lines and beauty. Most houses were ugly, many even made of mud bricks, but what was built of marble was beautiful. Neither of them enjoyed the smells that even fifty metres high were still strong at times.

“I wish I’d brought a camera!”

“Don’t worry, whatever we share with Freddie he is able to transfer to video discs. It’s just as well we never acquired the technology to make the smells part of the film.”

They were flying over the outer part of Athens when they saw a man beating a young boy. It was not just a smack or two, he was really hurting the child. “Damn, hold my body.” He shot to the void and returning as the void took on the appearance of an Athenian. Quickly he walked around the corner and finding the man still standing over the child he attacked him. By the time he was finished the man was lying in the dirt, his face swelling from a broken nose and cut lips.

“If you ever hit a child or someone weaker than you again, I’ll return to smash your arms and legs. Have you understood or do you need me to extend your lesson?” Dimi found it interesting that none of the neighbours rushed to help the man. Robbie sent his healer to rid the child of all pain and repair any damage - I find that ironic. The child had to be beaten to be given perfect health and a longer life.

“Let’s go, suddenly I’m not enjoying it here.”


The experience made Robbie extra tender with Andrea. When the boy ran to him he grabbed him and raising him he joyfully swung him around and then hugged him. “You’re growing so big!”

Dimi sat quietly, not only watching Robbie’s face, but sensing his emoting. He felt the love and feelings of wanting to protect Andrea that filled Robbie and his face softened, his emoting betraying the love he felt for Robbie. They returned to the old man’s house in Larnaka. The old man came out and stared at them without saying anything, slighted by Robbie first greeting the boy.

“Are you pleased with Andrea, is he a good pupil? Are you teaching him well?”

“I am doing the best I can with what is available.” When Robbie’s eyes turned cold and stern he suddenly was not feeling his sarcasm was so wise, recalling the trip into space that he thought betrayed he was talking to a supernatural being. “He tries hard.”

“That is all I ask of him.” Robbie suddenly recalled his own days in boarding school. “I will return every now and then to take him to his mother for a few days. Children do not need only knowledge, they need the love of a mother. I’ll bring him back in ten days.” He tickled Andrea and in return he pulled at Robbie’s cheeks, stretching his lips into a smile.

Dimi chose to spend the next ten days with Robbie. He was careful to give Andrea time alone with Robbie and he became a popular figure in the village as he talked and joked with the men. Robbie and he went searching for gold and Dimi was sickened when Robbie killed a couple of hares for the mother to cook for them (so were we). He was going to refuse to eat, but he felt Robbie’s eyes on him and forced himself. Robbie did not comment, depriving Dimi of the opportunity to express his disapproval.

The mother was given some more gold and Andrea was returned to the old man. Robbie handed over to him a small bag filled with gold nuggets, told him to arrange new clothes for Andrea and after a last hug they returned to Freddie. We hugged and kissed both of them, but it was towards Dimi that we turned for details and opinions of their visit. He did not make a point about the killing of the hares so we did not say anything.

Eddie asked his son what he had learnt from the trip. “I’m not certain of what I learnt, but I was impressed by a thought I had. I realised that Robert loves hundreds of people from different realities, species and galaxies. Yet, he somehow makes each of them feel they are special to him.”

“That’s because they are. Do you think he became like that because of having such a big family, or does he have so many wives because he is naturally like that?”

Dimi laughed. “The first would be more flattering to his wives so I dare not answer otherwise.”

Robbie also laughed. “I should not have left Andrea with the old man, you are wiser.”

We left for home again.

Now that we know that the bubbles do not pop, we’ve decided to risk taking the kids to Meli’s world. They are all under strict instructions not to make any bubbles and even the youngest I think will try as hard as they can as they are excited about going there. Dimitri was present and he kept quiet, but then he followed us home.

“I think you might want to see this.” He stretched out his hands and a bubble appeared. As he concentrated on it, it grew in size. He kept the exterior murky until it had grown four times as large as a soccer ball. With a smile of anticipation he cleared the sphere and we gasped. It looked like a distorted version of Freddie, the changes reflecting how he wanted it to be. As in real life he had split the globe and only the upper half had land, mountains, trees, rivers and lakes. We gathered close to see the detail and saw a tiny figure waving at us. It flexed its knees and sprung into the air flying close to the inner shield to stare at each of us. It gestured for us to come in and as we looked at Dimi he laughed. “The only way in is the usual one, you’d first have to enter my mind and travel to that world from there and then I’d bring it out.” The bubble disappeared.

“Are you able to create one without the shield?” Robbie asked.


“I’ve tried, but without success. I always jump to the Sahara desert and try there in case there is an explosion. Robert, I only try to create really tiny bubbles for that.”

“Just don’t materialise them close to you, we don’t want to lose you.”

We’re pleased to see that Dimitri is developing his own gifts. Already having Michael, Gregory and now Dimitri, we have grown stronger (I quote them because they are our latest children, not just because they are male - although being male does make a difference, if they had been girls Robbie would not allow them to help him if it places them in danger). Never again will our Robert have to risk his life on his own. As a family and friends we should be able to meet any challenges the future may bring us.

Wendy and Candy have a huge fan club with tens of millions collecting their music. Some were put on the internet for free downloads and a few were sold. Not many were sold as we have done nothing about those who pirate their songs. The price on the songs for sale is very low and the income goes to charity, so if someone does not want to contribute to charity we don’t prosecute them. With their joint birthdays coming up, we prepared a huge party for them and invited many personalities from among the Normals.

Robbie stood on the podium with the two girls to either side of him. “After Cherine, Dominique and I came together as a family, the next one to join us was Wendy, with our sweet Candy still hidden inside her. The joining of Wendy to our family changed us for the better. To celebrate their birthday and existence I have an announcement to make. The Unation have made available to ADFI a new solar panel that is so sensitive that even an overcast day will charge the batteries and the Anadir have provided non-toxic batteries that should last for hundreds of years. We hope to have our planet free of all pollution, thanks to these new products, within the next twenty years. As present power plants are no longer needed, ADFI will buy them and create jobs for those employed by them. Have a great party and, as a surprise for everyone, our birthday girls have agreed to sing for us after everyone has eaten.”

Our Athens home and the Cherinian Embassy were the first to have the new solar panels fitted and have the connections to the power grid disconnected. It was a pity, in a way, for there was soon a new model that is a combination of solar and wind power. Cities and countries that generated their electricity from water and wind power were left for last. The ADFI Bank financed the conversions, modelling their financing on a system applied by a bank in Cyprus more than sixty years ago. Every owner of a house was approved, regardless of their credit rating, which meant the bank could not insure the debts, but the lack of such insurance fees made the financing, combined with the very low interest rates, affordable to all. Repayments were not over a predetermined period but set to the monthly amount owners had paid for electricity over the previous six months less twenty percent. Robbie insisted we also have to pay and Alki agrees with him.

With little Roberto being loved so deeply by two mothers, he is turning into a spoilt little boy. Sheena would not listen to us, but then she noticed the tantrums he throws if he does not get his own way, so she asked Dommi to help. Both Kalliopi and Roberto had no chance against Dommi and she had both of them on the right track within months.

Cherine’s granddaughter Anne visits us quite often, and since she is linked, she has developed fast, for a long time now able to jump and alter her age. She never comes to us older than her real age and often much younger, because of Cherine and Robbie. Although they make such a fuss of her while her parents are quite strict with her, she is happy to stay with her parents and ‘uncles’. Bernie suggested she might have a crush on her uncle Johan. If she does, none of us would blame her.

Three weeks after the first solar panels were installed, the first deaths were reported. At first nobody linked them to the solar panels, but it soon became too obvious to be missed. Unation scientists projected as Terrans and investigated.


“Robert, someone has tampered with the panels. The changes make them radiate very strong rays, similar to the radiation from a nuclear bomb exploding. We must check all the other panels.”

They had all been altered, even those still in storage. Since the panels had not been opened it was obvious some Talent had caused the changes. We put our program on hold and houses disconnected were reconnected to the local electricity lines at our cost. The panels of our house and the Cherinian Embassy had not been tampered with. Robbie went back in time, collected tissue samples, gathered the souls and brought them back to life.

Robbie returned in time and waited until he sensed the panels being damaged. He located where the energy was coming from and identified the person. He followed him back in time, determined that if Campbell was responsible he would prove it. He followed him back two months but he never met Campbell. He did meet someone who offered him three million dollars if he could do as he claimed. Robbie tracked that man back another six months, but could not prove anything. We guess he has a standing arrangement with Campbell but never communicates with him, because Campbell knows Robbie can go back in time.

The man had his powers burnt out and then he was handed over to the police. I doubt he will be found guilty since there is no proof, apart from Robbie being a witness, but it has served to calm the people and hopefully we can start the program all over again. The Unation made an announcement that they have added safety features to prevent anyone tampering with the panels. Luckily the Unation are popular with the masses, so their word was accepted.

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Six

It is said that, after Michael, Campbell hates me the most. This is because I speak more plainly and answer those who try to claim he is not evil, making very clear how I feel about him and what dangers I believe he poses for all humans. Michael and Robbie have intercepted two potential attacks on me when I’ve been out in public. I believe it was decided I was too well protected and so they went after my Gina. That has to be it, she can’t have just disappeared. I’ll find her and when I do, I swear I’ll find those who stole my little girl and make them pay.

This is Robert. I let Sam write the above so that she could get it out of her system, but I think I better write for a while - not that I’m much better off emotionally. The truth is we do not know what happened. We were at a Kefalari coffee shop and Gina ran to the kiosk to see if they had the new issue of an Italian magazine she likes. Suddenly, for all of the family, we felt the absence of her in our circle. Sam screamed and ran to the kiosk, but a full search did not produce any results. We called for help. The Sparklers and Spartans first searched our planet and then all realities we have been to. Wirms tried wishing themselves to her without success. Michael joined us from early on and he informed the Ipohin. A number of them offered to help because Gina is liked by a great number of people who are not Cherinians. They have some amazing gifts, but nobody was able to sense Gina. Vincent stays by Sam so that as soon as the sliver released by Gina arrives he can take Sam with him.

I did check back in time, positioning myself as the void by the kiosk. When she arrived she checked for the magazine, was flipping through the pages when she briefly felt a tingle and disappeared. Nobody else was by her and I did not identify any energy being used against her, so it must have been a mental power.

The only species that have numbers that could make a difference are the Sparklers, so all the alternate Sparklers we know of joined ours in a search throughout realities we have never been to. Luckily they took other species with them or else we would never have known what happened to Gina. In one of the realities, just by luck, an Anadir projecting as a Terran was walking the streets of a town in England when, as he passed by a barrow filled with second-hand books for sale, he saw a photo of Gina on the cover of a book. He bought the book and brought it to us. The title is ‘I am a Cherinian, A diary by Jina Teller’.


Even though Gina has only been absent from us for two days, she died of premature old age seventy seven years ago. She arrived in the world she was sent to about one hundred and thirty years ago. That explains why the Wirms could not wish themselves to her, she was already dead and while she lived she mostly thought of herself as Jina, daughter of a new family. The diary provided exact date, time and place of death.

We jumped in Freddie to just before her death and waited for her to die. The moment she left her body she was collected from the void. I had to wait for her to be buried since the book mentions her funeral, but my healer repaired and kept her body alive until the coffin was lowered into her grave. Her body was brought to Freddie, rejuvenated and her soul returned. She has been hugged and kissed to death by her crying family, pappou and others, but the truth is we are still distressed. She is no longer the Gina we know and love. A lifetime of being almost a Normal have changed her. There is also too much desperation in her to feel our love and she has a constant need to feel and touch us.

Freddie jumped straight back and we returned to our Athens home. On the second morning after bringing back our Gina, she went with Sam to the bedroom in private. We soon felt a soul-destroying grief in Samantha and we ignored their privacy posting and ran into the room. Sam had scrunched up a sheet in her hands, not touching her daughter who was staring back at her with a pleading look.

“She wants you to use the eraser on her back to the day she was sent away.”

Gina looked at me with a desperate plea in her eyes. “You can give me back my memories, but then they won’t be so real and I won’t be Jina anymore. I can’t be a part of the family if you don’t. Please!”

I sat next to her and took her hand in mine. “That is a very brave decision. Could you bear to stay as you are for a few days? You lived a long time apart from us and we all want to share. We understand how you feel, but we also treasure all your memories.” She calmed down and granted us the time we needed.

Samantha is still too emotional so I’ve asked the person who writes of her experiences on Efineh’s world to take over.

I don’t know why Robert wants me to write. Basically I am using Gina’s (Jina) diary, just abridging it for this diary - the original diary is about four hundred pages and some of the spelling is weird. For instance, they do not have a soft ‘g’ and that is why she became Jina in the diary. Apart from some names, I’ve corrected most of the spelling and grammar so as not to confuse Arthur.

I am Gina. Daughter of Samantha and Robert Teller and daughter and sister of Cherine, Dommi, Wendy, Diana, Meli, Rosie, Tina, Bernadine, Laura, Maria-Elena, Nicole, Alexis, Claudia, Aganthi, Irene, Candy, Theresa, Lucy, Cassie, Jade, Jodine, Gilli, Solace, Orshiir, Noelle, Elpida, Annavi, Ashia, Sol, Maria, Goldi, Coral, Latreia, Chantel, Empathia, Agapi, Robyn, Lynda, Haven, Shiyra, Shelif, Aven, Syrina, Roula, Angelica, Rania, Sheena, Tseri, Assimé, Spice, Alice and sister to isi-mi-Metti. I am mother and sister of Michael and granddaughter of Alki. These are the most important names I must never forget.

A month has passed without Vincent or Robert finding me. I have not given up because I know that whatever happens, whoever forgets me, my mother Samantha will never stop searching for me. But it might take years and I have lost most of my Cherinian gifts. The loss was too sudden for it to be natural, I suspect whoever sent me here blocked or burnt out my gifts. All I have left is a faint ability to sense the emoting of others when their emotions are strong, plus my healer. I cannot talk with my healer as I used to, but it hears me and does whatever I ask of it for healing me. I cannot order it to heal others unless I’m touching them and think of them as an extension of myself and order it to heal. I don’t understand why, but it cannot change my age, so I am stuck here as a nine year old. It means I cannot survive on my own, so I think I will have to order it to allow me to age as the Normals do so as to avoid causing suspicion.


The year of my arrival is 1908. I found myself in the country, close to a town out of London, stunned and feeling weak. It took me a minute or two to work out what had happened and knowing it has happened to some of my loves, I derived some comfort and courage from their memories.

A woman with a boy and girl passed by. The girl is about my age, nearly eleven, and the boy older, about fourteen. She left them and spoke to me. “Are you new here?”

“I’m lost, where is here?”

“Mums, the little girl is lost!”

The mother came over and asked me where I am from. I did not know what to answer. I could not say London or Athens as police might make enquiries. “I don’t know. I remember my name, but I can’t remember where I live.”

“You better come with us, we’ll call the police and I’m certain they’ll finds your mums and da.”

The police came, one bobby. Nothing like the police I know. He was friendly, wrote my name plus a few vague memories I offered. He then discussed with the woman what should be done with me. He explained that the only orphanage they could send me to was by London and it would not be pleasant for me there. She offered to keep me for a few weeks until they find my parents. I sat quietly through all this, trying hard to be like I thought a nine year old would be. I could not adapt quickly enough for them not to be puzzled by the way I talked.

Names of the family members. Mother: Jas - for Jasmin. Father: Tiron. Daughter: Minti. Son: Edti. Family name: Jonston. The nearest big town: Chelmsford.

I spent most of the first two weeks sitting outside in the freezing cold, hoping a Sparkler would find me. Jas, or mums, as she soon asked me to call her, would lead me back in, worried I would get sick. She must have seen how desperate I was to be outside because she stopped interfering, just making certain I dressed warmly, telling her friends that I must be hoping my parents will ride by.

From the first day, both kids were nice to me. I shared a bedroom with Minti and soon learnt that I should not have a bath every day. Once a week was considered good enough. They found my clothes very odd, nobody wears jeans here, and after a week Jas took us to town and bought me the bare necessities so that I would not be the odd one out - as she said.

The kids had hoped I would have lots of exotic stories to tell them about the city or maybe even a different country, but suffering from amnesia meant I had to refrain from satisfying their expectations. I do not know whether I still have my Cherinian memory. I recall everything very clearly, but if I’ve lost my Cherinian memory then my memories could fade away if I do not practice remembering everything I can as often as possible. I spend an hour before going to sleep doing so with whatever additional time I have free during the day. It is painful remembering my loves so clearly without being able to see them.

Minti and Edti do not enjoy spending the day indoors and if the weather permits, they love to rove throughout the surrounding countryside. They always take me with and have introduced me to a couple of other kids. It is strange living without a television and computer. The only way I can keep my mind busy is by reading actual books made out of paper - just as Robert does. Even keeping this diary feels strange. I’d never realised how different it is actually writing instead of typing. I can’t write fast enough to keep up with my thoughts and sometimes my handwriting becomes difficult to read.

After a month, the family took me to the local magistrate and asked to be my foster parents until my parents are found. Their application was approved and the bobby told me I was very lucky, for they are a nice family. I already knew that.

I could never have guessed how difficult it would be living in what is the past to me. I dare not even hum any of the songs I love. There are so many ideas and so much knowledge they do not have, that I have to first consider what I am about to say before speaking. At least Robert would be happy seeing me play with kids. School starts tomorrow.


I was interviewed for them to decide what year to put me in. I tried not to let them see how much I know, but I still slipped up and now the whole school talks about me being a genius. I’m actually getting bullied because of that! I guess kids hate kids who are smarter than them - just like adults do. On the fourth day, a girl who bullies all the smaller girls tried to bully me. When she twisted my arm I automatically threw her. She was furious and ran back at me to hit me. She could not and finally I had to throw her again. At least nobody picks on me anymore.

Two years since I arrived. I hate it! My breasts are starting to swell and the first hairs are growing. Mums gave me a talk about puberty and warned me about the bleeding. It was sweet, she was so embarrassed.

Three years. I’ve started menstruating. I hate having to wear the ugly big pads. They are so uncomfortable! I can’t wait for them to develop the thin ones. As for the bras of this time! The less said the better.

There was a lot of excitement in the village today. The local ‘gent’ bought himself a car! Mums and da discussed it that evening, certain it would cause all kinds of damage, like the cows not giving milk and the chickens would stop laying eggs. I wish I could go for a ride, even if it never goes faster than twenty miles an hour.

Four years. Mums and da are worried they might lose their farm. They’ve had a bad year and the bank is putting pressure on them. Why haven’t any Sparklers found me? I know my real mum would not forget me. I cried for the first time last night. I’m certain this damn puberty is to blame.

I think the other girls hate me because I don’t have pimples and blackheads.

Da had an accident and cut his leg badly. I knew that if I let them fix him at the hospital he’ll have an ugly scar and limp, so I healed it. I pleaded with him not to tell anyone, but he told mums and she told the pastor. Now everyone knows! All my friends are afraid of me and I have no one to talk to. Minti is in love so she never has time for me and Edti never takes my side when they make rude remarks at school. I’m not sorry I fixed da, but I wish they’d kept it a secret.

I don’t care if nobody talks to me, who needs friends, they’re all stupid! I hate this writing, I can’t delete. They’re not stupid, I was just being stupid.

Am I a Cherinian anymore? What am I without my gifts? In my heart I’m a Cherinian, maybe that is all that counts. I bet no Cherinian has been as lonely as I am.

After I wrote the above I thought about it a lot. I decided I must do something to make me feel like a Cherinian. In the village there are some old people who live alone. I went to visit them. They were polite, but they did not want to talk to me, I think they felt uncomfortable trying to talk to a thirteen year old.

Another bad crop, the bank is going to take the farm. I’ve decided to cheat. “Da, if I show you something, will you keep it a secret and only do as I say?”

“It depends Jina. Tell me and if I think it is right to keep it a secret I will.”

I showed him my sketch of a rotary tin opener, like the cheap ones they sold in my world. I know Robert will be cross that I stole someone else’s idea, but maybe he would not have thought of it and I have to help the people who care for me. I asked him to pretend the idea was his and told him that he should not try to make them, just find a businessman who will give him a royalty for each one he sells.

“I can’t see this selling, maybe just a few out of curiosity.”

“In the city they will buy thousands of them.”

He took my sketch to the ‘gent’ who has a car. He offered to buy the idea for fifty quid. Da wants to sell, but he told the man he wants to think about it because he wanted to ask me first. I nearly cried. I asked him not to, but mums agreed with him that we should sell it. I got cross and told them to do what they want, but I’ll never try to help them again.


Da told the ‘gent’ that the idea was mine and I have to agree before he sells the idea to him. The ‘gent’ asked to meet me and he was invited to our home. I liked him, he was very polite without being condescending and asked me a lot of questions, wanting to know how I came up with the design. I told him it had seemed obvious, so he told da that I am talented. He negotiated with me just like I was an adult. I told him I wanted a ha’penny per piece royalty, but settled on a quarter of a penny plus thirty quid advance payment. He asked me to promise to give him first option on any other ideas I have.

Although we can look forward to future income, I have not solved our present problems. Yet all my family are treating me like a heroine. Mums even baked a chocolate cake for me and let me lick the icing from the spoon. That evening Edti teased me while we were eating, asking if I had any more ideas to make us filthy rich. He got told off by mums, but I gave him a smile so that he does not think he upset me. When we finished eating, da sternly told all of us to stay seated.

“Our Jina asked us once before to keep a secret but we did not, causing her problems. She has shown us that she is a special girl and I want you to all promise that from now on we keep her secrets, only shared between us if she agrees.” He made each of them promise, including mums!

We had a nice surprise. Da went to the bank and showed them his contract and they extended his loan. I guess I was of some use after all! I’m starting to see why Normals consider money as being so important, but I find it terrible that people’s lives depend on what money they have when they have the ability within themselves to provide for all they need.

Five years. It sounds like we are going to have a war. When the date passed that our first world war started I thought it would not happen, but now Germany has invaded Holland and Belgium. I’m worried, if war comes to us, da will have to go and Edti is old enough to be conscripted.

Germany invaded England. Fifty thousand troops landed on our beaches at night and are now moving towards London. Reports say they intend securing a toehold for more troops to cross the channel. Da and Edti immediately left for Chelmsford.

I thought everybody would either be afraid or angry, but I mostly sense excitement. I guess the danger is not real enough to the people here, for they all talk about how our troops are going to throw the Huns back into the sea.

None of us had realised how hard da worked. Mums, Minti and I struggle to get all the chores done. I had to use my healer to keep the two of them going, so I learnt to wake up at three in the morning so that I can get the hardest work done by the time they wake up. They both realise what I am doing but, apart from mums once pulling up my chin to study my face for signs of weariness, they did not say anything.

Luckily I offered to help the lady who has a grocery store and worked there four hours a day. I did it for the money also, but mostly because I felt sorry for her as her husband has been killed. It turned out to be a good idea once food shortages made it impossible for us to buy all we needed, as she would slip into my basket a few extras.

I had to use my training and Cherinian reflexes today. A farmer nobody likes and who has a temper, tried to bully us into allowing him to buy more than he should and I refused to give in to him. He was waiting for me after work and tried to smack me. I don’t think he’ll cause trouble again as he would not want everyone to know I beat him up. While I was hitting him my empathy did not interfere, but I trembled for hours afterwards - partly out of anger also. Robert is right, even Cherinians must stand up for themselves.

The navy managed to blockade the channel, stopping or delaying the German reinforcements. The officers must have been blindly obeying instructions for they stretched themselves too thin by trying to open a corridor to London and now most of the invading army is either dead or prisoners of war.

We received a letter from da. He is fine, but Edti was wounded. They had to cut off his left arm just above the elbow. Mums cried and begged me to go with her to the hospital to heal him. I knew what would happen if I agreed, so I refused. That night, while they were all asleep, I left home. I managed to walk to town and some soldiers gave me a lift. At the hospital they let me see Edti. I reassured him that as soon as he returns to us I will fix his arm. He was pleased to see me, but beneath his pleasure he was depressed and did not believe me.

Next [Book 10] - Post 043

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
* posted: 10th May, 2020

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