Daily Splinterlands Report #374 | Quick giveaway inside!


Whats up Splinter warriors!
Welcome to my Daily Splinterlands report #374!

Here, I talk about Splinterlands, mainly my daily quests and loot chests, tournaments, and exciting decks and gameplays.

I have met with a serious accident and I am recovering slowly. I have entrusted a friend to play and post for me.

A new season has begun. The season rewards were not so remarkable and I only got a few good cards, some dec and a pack. No golds or legendaries.

Today, I have a fire quest and I am taking it slow. The first day after a season start is very crucial and I do not want the account to slip into the dungeons.


Neoxian guild status:
We are currently holding the sixth position, and we are a max level guild.

No quests remain as we have reached the last quest level - 10. We are getting +20% DEC for every ranked match win and +10% dec shop bonus currently. We have to upgrade our quest guild again next season so that we can move to this last tier.

Giveaway Corner:

I will give a random card to the first right answer to my question below. Answer in the comment section of this post.

Please name a reward card that has been here for a long time now and although it has no striking power, it absorbs everything like a sponge.

(clue in the words)

Remember, only the first comment holder will get the prize.
Upvote, follow or reblog is not necessary but highly appreciated as it will help more players with their decks.

Alright, guys! See you in my next post!!!
Until then, keep fighting with your best!
