The trending debate is back...


There has been a spur of conversation recently (atleast in my feed...) about the current state of the trending page and those Potato posts... check out @toofasteddie and @steevc for more about information and debates...


After the last HF it was all sunshine's and rainbows around here and there was really some decent changes on the trending page with loads of different content and bots going full manual - which they still seem to be! However, having a look at trending today was very sad - how can a post from SBD potato be the most popular post on here, and also the fourth most popular!!!?? It baffles me... Additionally the majority of the posts on trending are related to Steem - not so great for someone looking at Steem as an alternative blogging platform. The reason trending is so important is not much for existing users here but for new and potential users - it is the first thing they see when they visit

What are our options?

Get rid of trending

Getting rid of trending all together is one option, but if we do this then we have to replaces the front page with something else completely. At the moment I havent seen any suggestions as to what to replace it with. We could possibly replace it with something similar to reddit - more like the "hot" page here - atleast the posts would turnover more quickly and we wouldnt see the same Potato posts for days on end.

Limit individual posts on trending

It could be an option to limit each account to show only one post on trending at any one given time. This would limit us to only seeing one Potato post and one Steem burn post at a time. Alternatively we could only allow one post per account to show on trending for every 7 day period. Again this would give more variety to what we see on trending and could allow under rated bloggers to get on trending.

Trending on a particular topic

Trending could essentially be either randomized by topic - each time a new user visits or refreshes their browser they could be directed to the trending page for say "music" or "travel. This would keep it fresh and interesting for new users and allow them so see some of the unique content on here.

Alternatively for new or logged out users Steemit could ask what you are interested in and then direct you to one of those trending pages...


Just some ideas for now and I would love your thoughts and opinions on this. Its a bit of a mess again and things need changing!


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Anything taking into account social interaction would be much better than the current one.
Good post.


Makes a lot of sense to me. Just put some limits on it as you suggested so you don't see the same things all the time. I don't go there myself, but for someone new, it needs to be much better to attract any sort of interest.


Yeah i dont go often myself. Sometimes just to check in see if there are any new projects going on etc


I hadn't thought about it from the new to steem users perspective however it's a very good point. I imagine myself, 2.5 years ago coming here (trending) and having a look...Wouldn't do much for me and I'd probably leave never to return. As it was it took my brother tarazkp 6 months to get me on board!

I don't go to trending, because most of it is shit, and to be honest don't know enough about it all to have any opinion on how to solve the issue...However, at some point a logical person, in a position of authority, would look at it, see the problem and make a change? Or is that just me and my pipe-dreams?

Good points you raise.

I imagine myself, 2.5 years ago coming here (trending) and having a look...Wouldn't do much for me and I'd probably leave never to return.
Me too. I would probably just be awfully confused and think that the content wasnt for me at all!

Yeah I barely look at it. Just check in sometimes as new projects often get their posts there and its good to keep up with new developments. The problem is that with every positive person looking for changes there are 10 others waiting and looking for ways to manipulate the system for their own gains.

When there is money involved there is never an easy answer!


...problem is that with every positive person looking for changes there are 10 others waiting and looking for ways to manipulate the system for their own gains.

Don't I know it. Oh well, as a recent post of mine said, all I can do is continue behaving in the manner I do...I can't change theirs so no point trying. It's a shame there is so much greed in the world, a lot of good in the world, but so much ego, greed and hubris...Always was, always will be.

Thanks for responding, I appreciate it.


The sad thing is that the price of Steem is nearly at the all time low and there is still loads of greedy people around. Cant imagine how bad it will get if/when Steem prices starts to rise again....

No problem - thanks for reading and supporting my blog :)


I know, right now it's scrambling over crumbs...A price rice could bring a blood bath.
