1000 steem investment is it worth it?


My current investment in kryptogamers and epicdice is 1000 steem.
If i was to sell at the buying prices to it is around 1000 steem.
I have not paid for all the tokens as around half have been generated via playing both.
I have wins and losses in both over different accounts. Overall i am slightly in the green.
Epicdice dividends
Kryptogamers dividends
Just hit 100 steem in dividends claimed.
Thats 10% of my investment back.
Kryptogamers are in a slight lead but literally one day could flip that on its head.
This is a long term hold and could be very profitable as the tokens for both get burnt the price will rise.
How high will it go?
No idea would be the honest answer but i cannot see it anywhere close to where it is right now with half the tokens burnt. With 20% or 10% remaining it could be huge

Posted via Steemleo
