CBI Update day 1


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So that kicked ass!
Less than 24 hours and over 9k sold wow!

I have taken 10k off the market and wont be put back on. So we have a max supply of 10k this round.
So in essence thats a 1000 steem i have to 'play' with.
If we are to attain 10% over a month thats 100 steem.
Can it be done?
Well maybe it already has.
I have already put up a buy order for 5000 CBI at technically a loss as i cant put it up at the selling price till they are all sold.
That should be tomorrow and then a buyback of the starting price will be set allowing anyone that needs money back for whatever reason can do so.
Thank you everyone that has bought in, now just sit back and relax.

Posted via Steemleo
