Friday wind down


I like Fridays. This one has come around fast, it might have been because the week was short anyway with the Easter break at the start but it's passed by, as if nothing much had happened, in my world, that is close to the truth, it has been a bit of a non-week. However interesting developments have been occurring.

Roland release v4.04 for the SP-404 Mk2

A really big update was rolled out yesterday for the Roland SP-404 which is one of my favourite music making products. I have patched it up with the new release but haven't yet had the chance to try it out. In any case, #youtube has been flooded with #404day posts and a raft of walkthroughs from the top Youtubers out there, the people we now call KOL (Key Opinion leader, replacing Influencer, yeah, me too, made me roll my eyes but I see their point, possibly...) and thanks to @adetorrent for making me aware of that one.

It's Friday, we need Youtube distractions, so here are one or two videos on this topic and I will have a deeper look when I get a chance and blog about the features I like the most.


Next Thursday is ModCaf again, the monthly event I go to and meet up with other electronic music nerds. I never know what to expect when I go along, the recent events have all been brilliant with people pushing the boat out each time. Lots of great ideas and the potential for collaborations too.

Since there are quite a few musical people on the Hive platform, I'd like to share with you a new online service I've come across called Samply. Have a look at what they have to offer, the free tier is generous and it's a shame the players won't work in Hive but in other places, such as my own website, they work very well when embedded. That said, you can paste links in such as this one and I will use this to share my audio projects going forwards, it looks so good and the app can be installed as a PWA on your mobile device.

Hive follows

Ah yes, it has been awhile since I have done one of these. Have I come across any new people on the platform recently? Spotted anything of interest posted by others? Any project builds taking shape?

I would like to pick out this group for their commitment to what they do and how they've put Hive to use in great ways to make a difference to multiple peoples' lives.

@mcsamm for his involvement in the Ghana Borehole project amongst other things, which you can learn more about via @hive.ghana and in fact there are a number of other people involved with it too, all of whom deserve support too.
Music project

I told my brother Tim about the Ghana project the other day and he was impressed by that, as he works with a lot of NGOs, training people in different corners of the world the film-making skills needed to document their project work. I am hoping he gets involved with Hive, I think it would benefit him and the work that he does. The choice is his of course.

I've added these accounts as beneficiaries of this post, so hopefully they'll get something out of this too.


Hey could you drop me a line on telegram or here if that's easier and tell me how you're using @v4vapp ? I'm trying to figure out why you've had a few failures. If you're using the front end I'm struggling to understand what's going on.


Hey @brianoflondon sure, I’m on Telegram as @nickeblewis and thanks for jumping on this. I can share the messages I’m seeing under my notifications too.

Just messaged you on Telegram.


I think I saw the 404 update mentioned on Music Radar. That's where I tend to get my muso news, but you can rely on Youtube to have reviews of every new bit of gear. I'd not heard of KOL before Ade mentioned it. I don't really like the term 'influencer'.

The project in Ghana is very impressive and ought to be better known as it is great publicity for Hive. Too many people think that crypto is just a big con, but a lot of good comes out of it.



I’m going to put a beer in the fridge, nice evening out there and fancy sitting in the garden with a drink….

Yes, crypto gets a bad rap and there are some bad actors out there. I hope Hive redresses the balance and educates people as to the good it does. The trouble is many are led to believe certain things are bad by the press who are often associated with the wealthy politicians, bankers and billionaires. Those very people who profit from us to fuel their greed!

Platforms such as Hive are for the people and conservatives don’t like that.

