weeks thoughts


This week has been a bit more relaxed. I’m getting used to the freelance lifestyle again. Really busy some days, then nothing for a few. I had a couple of events though, one at Disney land and the other in Hongqiao. Also a couple gigs, Shake, JZ late set, and Ocean Grounds. Having more time now, I’m trying to get back into a regular practice routine.

I’ve set up an old laptop in the studio to record. Want to start creating some music again. I might start with some basic stuff, like 1min sound bites and release to those stock websites for free. Too many content creators have average or similar sounding music. I’d like to offer something a bit different. Maybe get a bit more into mixing. Recording yourself feels similar to playing live in that it puts you in a situation where you want to be at your best. The process is good for you.


Been having problems with my hearing. I’ve been half deaf for a few weeks now. Not sure when it started. I thought it would cure itself but it didn’t. I saw a doctor the other day. The hospitals in China are a bit different. Lots of people, lines, slightly brutal. There’s no warning that the doc is going to put a cold instrument up your nose, it just goes straight in. Pretty funny! Medicine feels like it’s doing something, but I’m still having trouble hearing. It’s like a blockage in the middle of my head. Hope it’s nothing serious anyway.

I just sent a couple tracks to a recording studio on the outskirts of Shanghai. They are doing some kind of deal for original projects to record there for free. They have an amazing studio, and they record a video clip too. I need to ask more about what the catch is. I think the company will own the recording and the video clip or something.

Maybe the best is to pay for it myself, then I can release it as I please. Only problem is that the bitcoin price keeps going lower, I just get too much FOMO. So I keep buying more.... It’s just that compared to where I think it’s going to, how can you not?

Still I need to record soon. It’s been too long avoiding. At least do the session. I can pay for mixing and mastering later.


There’s a regular job for JZ big band that I’m thinking about auditioning for. I need ‘real’ motivation to sight read. I’m pretty sure the salary is going to be very low, but it could be a good opportunity to get my sight reading going and gain some auditioning experience. Don’t think I’ll get in, and even if I did the time and salary most likely won’t be worth it. Still... why not have a go.
