The experience from the road!


Historic values ​​or tourist attractions that a country provides are sometimes overlooked.

Sometimes we don't notice everything that surrounds us, but things are interesting.

In Serbia, cities provide a lot of events, such as book fairs, exhibitions, various concerts or shows, so last year we went on a trip to one event.

The experience from the road was a little slower as we stopped on our way to take pictures, a few interesting things that got our attention out of the way.


Along the way, we came across this interesting sculpture, which was probably erected in honor of an unknown hero.


The sculpture is of very interesting shape, half human and half fish, more reminiscent of the sculpture of the god of the sea, which is often mentioned in Greek mythology.


Next to that monument, which is located on a small hill, there was a neatly trimmed wooden table and chairs.

Continuing our journey, we come across a small church that looked beautifully surrounded by red rose.


Not far from the church is a monument to the national hero Mile Obrenovic.



We finally reach Torak where the play took place, but before that at the intersection I photographed a monument erected in honor of volunteers who voluntarily participated in the war in the war. The monument is white in stone, which looks like this.


The night goes down and the show is just about to start, a salute to all of you with one beautiful sunset.



Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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