The Dark Side Of UBI


Hey Universally Basic Jessies

As The world economy continues to struggle under the austerity measures that governments have placed on us we've seen that monetary policy in the form it takes now only benefits the asset class holders and the funnel to trickle down continues to get smaller. Wealth has been centralised on levels both nominal and percentage-wise that we've not seen for thousands of years.

The gross levels of wealth disparity are pushing many people below the poverty line, and the more people are robbed of their wealth, the angrier and more disillusioned they become.


To UBI or not to UBI that is the question

Governments now have a choice to make, do we continue the current policies and hope that it eventually evens out and people get used to their new levels of poverty or do we buy their silence.

I understand why UBI has become a popular quick fix for the social and economic issues we have, no one wants to suffer, no one wants to work hard, no one wants to make the tough choices, and UBI seems like the silver bullet we have not tried. If the world can print trillions in various currencies and not end up like Zimbabwe, why not UBI right?

Buying your silence

A free and healthy society requires discourse, freedom of speech and the ability to voice your discontent for government and the way they operate. Having UBI means governments now have control over what you say and do, if you speak out, you get cut off, so who in their right mind is going to risk their meal ticket and bite the hand that feeds them?

They can now force your compliance if you try to speak out and buy your silence each month with a newly minted deposit in your account.

Increasing your dependency

The more people dependant on the government to survive, the more freedoms we lose. The fewer people with agency means all they can do is consume and consume what the government tells them to consume. It allows them to program you, buy this, listen to that, watch this and is a way to continue indoctrination via a simple paycheque.

Funneling currency

UBI may not be cash or cash equivalents but programmable money, they could imply negative interest rates or time limits on capital allocation, forcing you to spend it. They could limit what you can spend it on.

Companies could then lobby to force people to let's say spend 10% at fast food stores to get a discount for UBI'ers and drive constant business without having to compete.

UBI allows central planners, even more, control over where the money goes and who gets to hold it at the end of the day.

Rewarding laziness

This is probably the most popular of the reasons people speak out against UBI, and I get that the argument goes both ways. For some, it will be a lifeline to help them get some breathing space and allow them to find work without having to worry about expenses too much.

However, for many they will never want to work, why get an entry-level job and learn skills when it pays less than UBI, so you'll never acquire job skills meaning you never move up the ladder.

How many people on social grants actually use that as a springboard vs others who use it as their only means of income and how does that weigh down the economy. Is there more people breaking away and adding to their only income or more only relying on it to live, this is what you'll need to figure out, but governments won't care either way, as long as voters turn up to vote.

Reducing productivity and supply

If fewer people are willing to work and produce goods and services that means less supply in the wider economy. As supply shrinks but money supply continues to increase with UBI id starts to see competition for goods increase and prices will skyrocket.

This means UBI needs to get bigger to keep up with inflation and so begins a deadly downward spiral towards hyperinflation.

Capital flight

If people who are getting money for nothing have the luxury not to have to spend it, why wouldn't they invest it somewhere else? We've seen how many people bought Bitcoin and stocks from their stimulus cheques so this would only see more purchasing power leave the ecosystem, making the UBI money less effective over time.

Additionally, those who do work for a living may feel that they shouldn't be paid in a currency that others get for doing nothing. They may want to insist on being paid in Bitcoin, gold, silver, stock options and more.

A move like this would really put the breaks on the effectiveness of UBI since the purchasing power of the currency relies on those who work for it to provide the value.

Where do you stand on UBI

If governments and their citizens want a UBI and have reviewed the pros and cons and feel it's still worth it, by all means, they should go ahead. However, making such a drastic change to the economic policy and money supply should be considered deeply not only for what it can do in the short term but the medium term too.

For those who have nothing, they have nothing to lose, but they will have a ceiling on what they have to gain, and that trade-off seems worth it, but for those who have earned and worked for their capital, they may feel differently.

If UBI does come to a nation near you, it may be time to consider that you are living in even less borrowed time before your currency implodes. It may be time to either funnel your capital into something that is not debased by UBI or move to a country where it doesn't exist.

Personally, I'd rather get paid in Dogecoin before I accept a UBI.

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So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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We just need a sound common law system so we don't have over inflated cost and taxes and everyone can afford to live decently from their work.


Agreed, we've tried to become too "smart" for our own good thinking that we can artificially create prosperity through regulation, government and money printing and distancing ourselves from treating more goods and services as we need them and living within your means


I guess people wants something that's "doing less and having more"

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We all want wealth without work, we've been conditioned for a long time to think we can only get wealth through government and if they can provide it why should we do anything. I can see it play out in South Africa, the government promised free electricity, water, homes, education and its all been a shit show but people aren't going to say we are going to do it ourselves, they'll still wait for the government


Well I guess laziness is why we wait for the government everytime, thing is, these guys won't get anything done for us. It's all politics and the game of manifestos


When the world is run by people who are "book smart" they focus all the time energy on talking, theories, predictions and don't see the value of work and creating something, they look down on it infact. Sadly that work is what keeps society going, in a world where goods and services are the focus, the plumber earns more than the intellectual, and they can't have that happen


This has been already talked about by our overlords in Canada even before the Pandemic so now that they crushed many small business into bankruptcy and thrown many workers out of work there is no doubt that this is exactly they want to usher in the UBI trap.


I am pretty sure it will be the bigger economies, like your US, Canada and China who can "afford" it for now to destroy their currencies and give out this free money because well the rest of us are so far below there's a big gap. Let's say here 1 CAD in Jan was 10 ZAR (South African Rand) its now 13 ZAR so it gives you space to debase your currency to trade with South Africa for example.

All about keeping the cash flowing doesn't matter where it comes from or if its going to work


It has been kind of tried before in our Totalitarian past. Recently I was shooting during an interview in a village that has always been productive. When retired people were asked ""When did things go bad?" they were able to specify the period when, on a regional level, the production was redistributed. Those who produced less got some from those who produced more. Which made both sides more reluctant to produce in the future.

UBI appears, GDP goes happy downhill.


It always sounds like a sweetheart deal, we're going to do redistribution, but we must ask, why do we need it, why was their gross distribution in the first place that we now have to fix it? Especially when the majority are on the bad end of the distribution?


Governments will always have influence in our lives, but this would be too much, such an absolute dependence simply eliminates the individual, it is frustrating and immoral.


I think if you want to be dependant on the government by all means, that's fine by me but for those of us who don't want to b and want to manage our own lives, money and things we need, we should be allowed to have that level of independent


The truth is that it is frustrating how much power these nations have acquired over their people, yet I believe that it is still up to us to direct our future and economy, provided we educate ourselves correctly. Knowledge is power.

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Once enough jobs vanish, governments may have no choice. They’ll hand out cash if facing torches and pitchforks becomes the other alternative.


If it gets there then yes, they'll have no choice even if they can't afford it but that just means they'll destroy their currencies faster, I know if they tried to go UBI here we'd be finished in a matter of months so there's also that toss-up to consider
