
If we ask parents, who wants to have losing children? I'm sure everyone would have one answer, everyone would say: none of us want to have losing children. And certainly no parent would like to have losing children, much less deal with defeats, setbacks, failures or problems that come their way at different stages of their lives. However, although it may seem strange to you, incomprehensible or counterproductive, it is necessary for our children to lose since emotional strength and resilience are created in adversity. It is in adversity that people can best grow and develop their abilities.



Not teaching children to lose is a serious mistake because when children lose they feel unmotivated and frustrated, but if there are parents at their side who help them and encourage them to see losses as an opportunity for them to grow and thus take advantage the situation also to teach them to deal with frustration or face problems on their own will surely allow them to access valuable growth opportunities.

Before praising the abilities and aptitudes of their children, parents should reward the effort because it has been shown that when the first is done the second would lead the children to live insecure since when they take this type of attitudes the children generally feel afraid of failure.



In this vein, it is important to highlight that losing is also part of life and this is prudent and necessary in the lives of our children not as a defeat but as a teaching opportunity to prepare emotionally for life because it is obvious that if a The child does not lose, does not make mistakes and does not get frustrated, he will not be able to learn to deal with these sensations either and when he has to face them if he is not emotionally prepared it is possible that the decision making before them or the behavior is completely dysfunctional.

The purpose or importance of parents to teach or prepare their children to know how to lose is with the intention that when they lose or make a mistake in a situation they do not appreciate what happened as a negative experience but rather that they can understand that losing is not closure of new opportunities but rather life is full of new opportunities where it is worth fighting to assume future ones.



It is obvious that nobody likes to lose and even more so children who many times in their stage fail to understand many things and get angry but perhaps at first when this happens it seems unfair to lose and that is where the role of the father or father should be focused. the mother to give a precise explanation where it is highlighted that even losing there are new opportunities because all people have different abilities and not all are good at the same, therefore a loser and a winner are generated.

In this sense, children will develop a self-imagination on their own and will be able to assume their strengths and abilities as well as their limitations and weaknesses, and this will increase their development and their efforts for what they want to achieve in life.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that going through the experiences described above and guided by parents in children is a stimulus to succeed in life since without a doubt this will also help them to develop empathy which in their context will help them to discern and understand when another is the winner and not him, or when he is the loser and not the other, in order to optimize their interpersonal relationships.

This does not mean that we have to encourage children to be losers to continually experience frustrations, because really the objective of all this is for our children to prepare emotionally and to measure successes and failures, defeats and victories. Our duty as parents is to properly manage the precise steps when our children suffer a defeat or do not achieve to the maximum what they set out to do since we can turn a defeat into a victory.

It is also worth saying that the most specific key to achieving this situation is to teach children not to compete with others but with themselves because we must remember that our children are unique and each child is different, we cannot break their dreams or their emotions, because definitely not It is about raising "winners" but educating them for life and to be self-confident children.

Reference: Children's Educational Stage Blog

