Striking a Balance: Navigating Work, Life, and Self-Care in the Digital Age


Nowadays, we all have become very busy in our lives. Since mobile phones and the internet have become available everywhere, then people have started getting lost in their world. Now there are many ways through which you can get entertained. Earlier the time was different. Earlier people used to meet each other and spend time like this, but now you can do many things sitting at home with which you can spend your time and believe me, so many things have come online that You don't even realize how time passes. No matter what you do, whether you are studying working or preparing for anything, it is necessary to have a schedule for everything. If anything goes up or down, there is a kind of imbalance. It lasts throughout life. If you are worrying about an exam and in the meantime, a guest comes to your house, then perhaps you will be disturbed and your schedule also gets disturbed a bit. Some people are very loyal to their schedule and They also remain engrossed in themselves, they don't care who is coming and who is going. Hey, it is a good thing, I agree here because doing this shows that you are more focused towards your career and goals.


No matter what you do, nowadays it is very important to maintain balance in life because if you do a job, jobs have become very stressful these days and you have also started feeling stressed about losing your job. It remains but nothing is achieved by thinking, you will have to take some actions that can help you shortly. Work status is the same everywhere whether you talk about your mother or other members living in the house or your father or mother who works or if you are a working person then you can understand which one. There is a lot of stress in jobs and there are different problems in your life but you cannot share everything with everyone. We all have a lot going on in our minds and we cannot share everything, certainly not with everyone.

A lot goes on in our minds and we make decisions on many things in our minds sometimes we become very status quo about many things, but if we want to keep ourselves healthy or improve our lives. If we want to maintain a balance then we should stay away from all such things because thinking too much does not help, you just make yourself sick. Yes, stress is everywhere, whether you work or not, there can be some kind of stress that can cause problems in your life, but there are many ways through which you can bring balance to your life. Yes, one thing every day. It doesn't happen that sometimes you get more work in the office and sometimes it doesn't happen, it happens everywhere, you just have to add some things to your daily routine, which will help you a lot, I have hope. I am sure that you too will benefit greatly from it.

Make sure to take out some time for yourself and in this free time, stay away from electronic things and sit alone and contemplate. You can do this even after waking up in the morning or when you leave your office. You can do this even when you return home. Spend some time alone with yourself and think about your life and day, how it was, what you learned, what you said wrong. Reflect on all these things and try to You have to do it again and again.

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If you are full of imbalance then you should try something new, if you wake up late in the morning, then you should get up in the morning and do some exercise, even if you wake up after a few minutes in the morning and do some light rest, but try something. Do the same work again and again in the same routine. Our mood gets trapped in a strange whirlwind and we are not able to get it out. If you want to do something productive then you will have to make some changes in your life and change your routine. But believe me, it makes a lot of difference, earlier I used to sleep till 8:00 in the morning but now I wake up till 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning and then I do some exercise and do some cleaning. After waking up early in the morning, you feel much better.

You should read books no matter what type it is, Novels or any story, any blog, newspaper, anything, you should stay away from electronic items for some time because it also has a lot of impact. I have noticed this and when you read something. If you are doing this, then you should remove all the electronic items from your surroundings so that you can maintain your concentration. It is very difficult in the initial days but gradually we get used to it.

Do meditation, even after a little delay, it makes a lot of difference. I am not saying any advanced-level meditation or anything else. Just sit with your eyes closed and enjoy the peace. If you live in a noisy area, then have an earphone. By putting it on you can play some nice music which helps you to get out of the noise and gradually increase the time but believe me it feels much better.

Some rustic tips that I use in my everyday life help me to create balance in my life. What do you think about this?

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

-----Together we will make this a better place-----


This is a good induction piece.
How about reading from the phone like ebooks. Does that also have negative impact like electronic device?


Thanks for the appreciation.
Ebook are good ways to read but but in long term that is gonna effect your eyes if you are a adjective to that.


For me, I get distracted easily when someone is around and stealing my attention with talks. I do suffer this often from my neighbour and I've worked on it, I only give them a specific time and when I'm done, I leave them and enter my house 😅

These processes you highlighted are very good.



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Trying something new can be good but sometimes hard to do. Although if one should adapt with it, it will make us a better version of yourself. Good one my friend.


indeed totally agree with you, it is not an easy task to start something new. The beginning of everything is hard. thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

!giphy thank you so much



Yeah, that's why we need to really motivate ourselves whenever we are just starting out something new.


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