Spring Feelings ... A Countdown to Spring ... (Day 15)

A sunny February day.

On a sunny February day shopping with friends at the Utrecht shopping center can give you unexpected spontaneous spring jitters. And that is exactly what happened to me when I walked around the Utrecht shopping center a few years ago on such a sunny February day and was allowed to capture this spectacle.

Yes I took my camera for shopping.

Who now takes a camera for shopping, you might ask yourself ... Well, me. And certainly when I go to Utrecht. It is a city where I myself do not often come as a true Brabant, and the time I go there, I like to take my camera to capture a different kind of environment.

It was so cheerful.

On the photo it is not so clear ... but there was a whole group of children full of enthusiasm watching. There was plenty of cheerful laughter from the parents and their children and the street artists turned it into a very cheerful bunch.

And very warming.

The cheerfulness was very warming to see, and that in combination with the sun shining on our heads exuberantly it made a day where we felt the real spontaneous spring tickles. And a day that I still look back on with pleasure and good memories.

In 65 days spring kicks off.

And with 65 days to go before the spring kicks off, I thought this picture was nice to share. Like I said, you don't always have to wait until the official spring to feel spring tickles. It can also just happen in February ...

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
