Meeting Pete

"I feel we knew each other years ago, Pete. I just hope I'll not wake up someday, and we will be total strangers." I said this to Pete over the phone. Yes! I loved his baritone yet soothing voice. He seemed to have the right response to all I said, and I enjoyed every bit of our conversation. It was barely 72 hours since we met on Instagram, where I patronized a dinner gown that I liked, which he got delivered to me by his delivery man. It was unusual to get my online orders complemented with a complimentary card, and this gesture fascinated me even more. "I wonder how you'll react when we meet; looks can be deceiving, you know?" I continued.

"I'll take my chances." Loveth, I'm confident your face would sweep me off my feet just as your voice has captured my heart." Pete replied.

I loved the fact that Pete was patient and a good listener; he was never found wanting in consoling and sympathizing with me whenever I had bad days. At 27, I had experienced quite a number of disappointments from men that I preferred to stay away from, but Pete's presence in my life gave me a reason to have a rethink. "You're sure I would not end up ordering for you as a person?" I teased, and we both burst into laughter.

"Just be ready to feed me for life." Pete replied.

"Wait till you taste my food; you'll beg me to keep cooking for you every day."

I loved the way we talked and teased and how much we got fond of each other. Chatting on WhatsApp wasn't enough for us; we made sure we talked every day, sometimes more than once a day.

"Don't you think it's high time we met? Pete asked during one of our conversations. I knew he wanted us to meet, but I had been given excuses, even though I also desired to meet him.

"You're so particular about our meeting. I hope I'm safe." I asked. It had been three weeks since we started talking over the phone.

"My arms would always keep you safe, dear." Pete said.

We scheduled a meet-up at Sydney's Restaurant; it had an amazing view of nature, and their meals were soul-lifting. I got to the venue and made myself comfortable at an empty table. I was barely seated when a sweet fragrance enveloped my surroundings. I turned around in the direction of the perfume only to see a dashing, tall, and dark-skinned young man standing and smiling in my direction. "That must be Pete." I thought to myself as I returned the smile, hoping he was the one. The young man in his early thirties walked up to me.



"Hello Cinderella"

"I hope you aren't mistaken; I'm Loveth."

"Well, you're now my Cinderella, and I'll keep loving you till eternity." He said it with a smile, which made me blush. My already fast heart beat gradually settled, convinced that it was Pete, and rather than worry about his approval of me, he beat my standards by multiple folds. We soon settled on our dinner date and enjoyed every bit of the meal. I stole occasional glances at him, mesmerized by the fragrance of his perfume.

Pete brought me home after our dinner, and even though I didn't let him into my house, I kept blushing from the memory of the kiss he planted on my forehead. After I showered, I picked up my diary, opened a new page, and wrote, "Today I met Pete, and he clicked every box of the kind of man I want. I hope he will be the only man I'll keep writing about."

Thankfully, it's been seven years since our marriage, and today marks the day I first set my eyes on my angel, Pete.

Posted using Neoxian City


I am surprised she was in talking stage with a man for 3 weeks and did not have a single call with him. This write up is really interesting, got captured and read every line.


Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Both actually talked. It was mentioned right after the WhatsApp. Just that I didn't use the word phone. Thank you so much for taking out time to read through. It means a lot to me


Yay! 🤗
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Pete and Loveth seemed made for each other. They became so familiar very quickly after their online meeting. The face-to-face meeting was filled with excitement. It does not always have a happy ending as people are not always as they seem online. It is great that it culminated in a happy ending.

Posted using Neoxian City


The connection already started through phone calls even before their meet up and that's why love flowed so easily and thus the journey to their relationship of seven years already. Love can find anyone anywhere. Nice story @jjmusa2004

@sagarkothari88 vote


Sometimes we meet someone and just know when it is the right person for us. It is a bit more different when it is online but a click online is also possible. The proof however is in the physical meeting. It is great that it proved positive for Peter and Loveth. Love is mysterious and can happen unexpectedly.

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You're right, love remains a mystery and should be welcomed anytime. Thank you very much
