RE: Trample ability, How it works? Splinterlands tutorial post


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First of all, Thanks a lot Azircon sir, it really means a lot to me and yes I learned about the mistakes and followed your guidance since then.

Yes I find it way harder than ever to compete in Diamond nowadays, I am in Diamond I but it seems impossible to reach even top 25 position nowadays.

Magnor stampede can easily be blocked with stun monsters. I mostly use goblin fireballer and spark pixies to stun the magnor down and my other monsters take care of him easily. But speed really matters here. An enraged magnor has 5 speed and if the opponent uses any of those speed agent cards (creeping ooze, Flame monkey, Goblin shaman and Flame Imp) the the magnor gets faster. In this match, as there were only melee monsters to choose from, I select flame money to give all my monsters +1 speed. Also I often add a layer of shield with tower griffin and use Elvin mystic to weak opponent's magic monsters depending upon the ruleset.

Again, thank you for the support sir and I will be very glad if my answer helps you in any possible way :)

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


Thanks for a detailed reply.

And no need to call me Sir!
