RE: Losing them has been the worst thing in my life | Week #139


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I'm so sorry for your losses. That is a lot to take on in such a short time.
I lost my father first, and then my mother 2 years or so later.
They were both sick, although my mothers' death was still unexpected.
And now last week, my brother passed away as well. He was sick also but only for a short time and it was still unexpected. He was much older than me but still too young to go.

But I can't even imagine how it must have been for you, losing your brother at such a young age. And for your mother to lose two children. I can't imagine how this must be for you both, losing two siblings/children. Losing a husband is horrible too, of course, but a child...My best friend lost her youngest son in an accident and the two weeks I spent with her and her family leading up to the funeral and after were the two worst weeks of my life, and it wasn't my child! He and his brother basically grew up with my daughter and we saw each other almost every day. It's left a very deep scar behind in our hearts, even for us.

I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of it. I truly feel for you and can't imagine the heartache you were dealing with. But I can also see that you are strong, and over time, maybe things become easier. We'll always miss our loved ones but time heals, little by little.

Thank you for sharing your story. Much love.


So it is something very painful friend @misslasvegas well you know why you have gone through that. What a pitiful thing that has happened to you and worse that at this moment you are in that moment of mourning for your brother, may God give you the strength that your heart needs. May God have you in his Holy Glory.

If you knew that when my dad died, I was just starting a page called, the truth is that being active and receiving the encouragement of my friends online distracted my mind a lot.

Because my dad's death was something horrible, it was watching him die little by little in a hospital because nothing could be done, every now and then he would run out of breath and I would run to find the doctor, what they said was that he was going to die slowly, it was horrible really.

That is why after a while we wanted to leave the mourning aside and not call our life more tragedies.

We have to be happy to attract more happiness.

Of course, all this after the pain of his departure has passed a little.

Thank you for reading and leaving me your valuable comment. Strength and faith my friend 🤗🤗🤗
