RE: Why would anybody want to believe that the Earth is Flat? - Story with a Soundtrack

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BS! All of it! The earth is a disk, held up by a couple of elephants on top of a giant turtle floating around space. Everyone knows that! Don't they?
But yeah, there are several reasons why some people believe the earth is flat.
Conspiracy theorists are called this for a reason: It immediately takes away their credibility. Now, in many ways, I am a conspiracy theorist (according to 'them') but I've always laughed about the reasoning behind the flat earth...
Until I attended Anarchapulco and met a Spanish pilot who had worked for British Airways for more than 25 years and was fired for refusing to take the covid vaccine.
A few of us were hanging out in the area where all the cool kids hang out (the smoker's area 😆) and this pilot (who absolutely seemed like a very sane man to me. After all: he had transported tens of thousands of people from numerous places in the world to the other for years) joined us. After the usual chit-chat, one of the people there said: 'But the earth is flat!' and he replied: "I am not denying that, and would love to have a discussion about it." I didn't wait for the discussion but I am planning to talk to him about it next year...

It didn't change my mind. I still believe it's a disc world on top of a giant turtle...
BUT, WHO cares? I will fight for what I know is right. If there are things that are unjust and I know I am on the right side of history, I will defend them by any means. However, I believe that this whole flat earth - globe earth discussion has been put into our world for a reason: division.
Yeah, some religious people are freaks. Absolutely. But not all flat earthers are religious, as you've already mentioned, and not all religious people are flat earthers. However, now, with these discussions coming to life these past few years, ALL of the above seem to be the same. According to 'the others'. ALL of them are religious freaks, ALL of them are flat earthers, ALL of them are anti-semitic Trump-loving extreme right, science-denying terrorists...Or in short: conspiracy theorists...

Fact is: science isn't fact until it is. And until then, we're all just guessing.


Hindu mythology is so much more fun than the bible indeed! Not denying is not the same as agreeing, but in the end it doesn´t really matter. I just love a good conspiracy theory but this one I will leave for the anti-semitic Trump-loving extreme right, science-denying religious freaks.


OMG! Are you telling me my turtle God is drifting on a large body of water and not in space? Well, it must be true. Because there's a picture of it. After all: everything we can perceive with our eyes is absolute truth. 😉

And yes, Hindu, or better: Brahmanian, or EVEN better: ARYAN mythology is best... I am such a stubborn little miss, that I even named my son after the oldest religious cult on earth 😆


What we do to our children.... My boy is called Kyrian-Elijah, Raven, Osiris, Sorin, Sky to cover all elements and a couple of religions 🤪


Jeez....Do you hate your child? Did you ever stick him in school? I remember hating having to spell out all my names and I only had 3 first names, one CRAZY surname, and a nickname which was the name I've been called all my life but is nowhere to be found other than on the birth announcement card...
In the Netherlands that's OK, and was quite common but EVERYWHERE else I have to explain why they didn't put that name in my birth cert and passport, and that it IS actually my name and not those in my birth cert and passport.
I've hated my parents for that for a long time hahaha.

My kids?
Skyleigh Sierra but she calls herself Skye. Even though I used to call her that and she'd put her hands in her side and exclaim that her name was SkyLEIGH and NOT Skye!
Sinatra Chris (named after two singers, one of which was dead, the other later, she mentions this often, how she's named after two singers that 'suck' in her opinion)
Keanu Hi'ilani Kanoa because we couldn't decide on just one name, and they just had to be Hawaiian, plus the meaning fit his character...(yeah, he hated me for that, couldn't write his own name till he was 10)
And Aryan Shae. Aryan because I loved the meaning and where it came from, and because I thought Arya Stark was as bad-ass as they come, and it would have been his name if he were a girl. Shae because, well, daddio is Irish and I wanted to give him something Irish hahaha.
So there. We're both great parents! 🤪


Those are great even the Irish one and Oh yes that was it his last name is Skye with the e indeed, but not SkyeLeigh although that is awesome. And yes he is cool with it because we made sure it had a cool acronym Kross. But here in Spain we just say its Kyrian-Elijah but his official doc has al the names


No, her name is Skyleigh, without the E, but she calls herself Skye with an E haha.
Funny story: a friend of mine has a son called Kyrian (Dutch, living in Ireland because they followed us there) and he's exactly 15 hours and 15 minutes younger than my Skye.
She was born at 4.20 am (SO DAMN COOL!) and he was born at 7.35 pm (not so cool haha)
