RE: The Importance Of Discipline In Raising Children And The Consequences Of Negligence.


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Indeed children must be nurtured, guided and disciplined by their parents. It start early with parent provided for their every need. Proper child care is a necesiity and it is encompasses more thatn jsust food and shelter but social, spiritual, emotional development etc. Clealy that was lacking in your example. THe fate of the girl became a sad one as a result.

Posted using Neoxian City


The success and positive development of children who become outstanding members of society are often attributed to good parenting. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to understand the roles they play in their children's lives and to instill good morals in them. The appropriate use of discipline has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to achieve this.

Regarding the fate of Efe, the girl in the story I shared, you are correct about her parents' failure to provide her with a proper upbringing. Her case illustrates the negative consequences of bad parenting, and I hope that other parents can learn from it.

Thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on this topic.
