The Need to be Moved by Logic


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One time I was talking about the BBC TV Series Merlin with a friend of mine, I was saying there was so much irrationality going on in the movie and I used one episode to give an example of the irrationality. In that episode a witch wanted to kill the King and his son, the witch could teleport and all but instead of teleporting to the back of the King and his son and stabbing them from behind, she instead teleported to the back of a singer, stabbed the singer, changed her form to look exactly like the singer and went to the palace to sing.

In the palace, she sang a magical song that made everyone including the king and prince fall asleep. When they all fell asleep she now brought out her knife to stab them. What rubbish? Why go through all this stress just to stab them when you could just appear behind them and stab them like you did the singer?

My friend saw the point I was making but laughed and told me I was thinking too much, and that I should just enjoy the movie. And in my time I've met many people who are like this friend of mine, logic is not important to them, they take logic to be some unnecessary stress or something of the sort.

You make a logical argument, they follow it, see the point but make replies to show that even if what you're saying is true it doesn't matter and that the problem is rather people like you who go too far with reasoning instead of taking things easy 😂😂. They seem to be saying "yo, that truth can only be found when one digs deep, I plan to stay shallow so what business do I have with that truth?"

This is especially true for religious people and people who have things they hold as true without evidence. They'll always act like going deeper is not necessary and one is just fine being shallow and leaving the rest.

What is more, though is that even many people who treat logic as important or maybe act like they do are sometimes caught taking these stances that seem to downplay logic.

When Logic/Making Sense Does Not Matter

The truth about the matter is that sometimes logic/something making sense does not matter, but only very few times and usually in the long run or when push comes to shove it would always turn out that logic mattered.

For example, in the past, when creating religions the people must have thought "it doesn't really have to make sense, we'll simply tell them God works in ways we can not understand or use crusades and jihads to force people to accept without questioning." But in the long run, long after lifestyles have changed and the instrument of the State is no longer used to enforce religion in most societies people are dumping religions because they do not make sense.

If only the creators of religion made everything logical, their religions would have had a greater survival chance after losing armed protection.

Another example can be the example of this movie I gave, a lot of people can enjoy the movie even though it doesn't make sense. They got other things right like the costume and settings, actors, music, etc. So they may have seen a lot of illogical things in the movie but say it doesn't matter as far as people enjoy it. But in the long run where would the movie rank among the truly reasonable members of the movie-loving population?

But then again, you can still see how logic might not matter. Say they don't care about the "truly reasonable members of the movie-loving population" but only care about the numbers from the masses who are usually average to shallow. They can still make their millions and go in peace.

But the Resolution is...

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It's quite difficult for situations where logic doesn't matter to come up. Even if they do come up, they can't be worse off if you applied logic. Also, if you figured out that logic doesn't matter much in a situation then you still need to credit logic because that was how you figured it out 😅

Secondly, we mostly do away with logic because of our emotions and poor reasoning. The friend who thought logic didn't matter in that movie thought so because the other things the movie got right filled them with emotions (viewing pleasure) that clouded their sense of reasoning that was supposed to be concerned with the movie making sense. That or this friend's reasoning was too poor to detect where the movie was being illogical.

So since these two reasons: "emotions and poor reasoning" are the major reasons why we do away with logic we have to wake up and stay alert whenever we think logic does not matter because we're most likely just giving in to emotions and poor reasoning.

The End

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