A Silly Little Note—High School Odyssey

“Desire come back to your seat” I read and smiled at my girlfriends who winked at me.

“Is not that I'm running, only that I can't see the board from there” I wrote and passed the piece of paper back to them.
Well, the truth here is that there was a boy sitted on my locker and I couldn't share the same sit with him.

I had the most craziest and lovable friends in high school, we were five and I was the most naïve when it came to relating with boys. So there's this senior student who kept coming to my class during recess to chat with my friends, he was my close friend until he wrote me a love letter. I didn't like letters, but I saved this particular one in my journal and reread it anytime I was bored.

My relationship with John was a platonic one, more like best friends. We were very comfortable with each other even when our friends were always eager to spoil us with relationship ideas. I didn't buy any of their jokes, and John didn't too so it was all perfect for us. We understood each other even after the whole letter incident.

Then on April 1st, I wrote him a love note. I started with this proposal line “From the first day I met you…” I described everything about him, and how our friendship had been. At the end of the letter, I asked him to be my boyfriend. It was a silly little note because everything about the letter was hyped and embarrassing, but I and my friends didn't see it that way. After all the hugs and kisses, I turned the note around and wrote 'APRIL FOOL' in big letters. We called him to our classroom and one of us gave him the letter, while we hid somewhere to see his reaction.

It was very hilarious as John began from touching his chest to smiling foolishly. Then he looked around, probably to make sure nobody was watching, then he jumped a few times and danced around. He then covered his mouth with his palms and his eyes lit up in awe, I guess that must have been when he read my proposal to be my boyfriend. He was about to fold the letter when he saw the other letters on the other side of the note. He turned and read the APRIL FOOL and his face changed.
This was when we disappeared into the dining hall as it was almost time for dinner.

“Do you think he will be angry?” Kate, my BFF asked looking very worried. She was the most sensitive among us.
“Nope. He won't be angry. That letter is very funny for anyone to take it seriously” I said.
After dining, John beckoned on me to wait. He then gave me a note and pleaded I don't open till I get to my room. I was eager to see his response so I ran to my room and gathered my friends. I opened the letter and saw four words boldly written in capital letters I HATE YOU, DESIRE. I turned the back side and saw APRIL FOOL.
I looked at my friends, but none of them found it funny. The words I hated most then were these very ones.
“I guess you've received your slice of the joke,” Kate said.
“What if he really hates me?” I asked myself.



Well, we met John the next day and we laughed at our jokes, but deep within me, I was scared. Those four words were still visible in my mind.
I was silently praying for April 2nd to end when our class teacher walked into the class with a paper in his hands. He called me out and gave me the paper, it was the April Fool's note but the April Fool at the back was neatly covered with a correction pen.
“You are just in SS2. I doubt you are even up to 15 years and you are already writing letters like this. Instead of reading your books, you are looking at boys. I’m very disappointed in you. Now read it to the whole class” said Mr. Oguiji, my class teacher.

“Sir I’m sorry, but this was just a prank. I wrote it yesterday as April fool’s prank” I said nervously.
. He didn’t believe me so I showed him the April fool that was covered with a correction pen. I guess he was shocked to see it from the look on his face.

Then he called John to our class and asked him why he left his April Fool's prank in the teacher's lesson note.
“I’m sorry sir, it’s a mistake”. John said. But the truth was clear, he wanted the whole school to hear that I wrote him a letter. It didn’t work, and our friendship with him ended that minute he exercised the evil thought in his heart.

Though we reconciled later, his relationship with me and my friends was never the same. My friends despised him but I couldn’t. I was the one who started it, and he finished the joke for me. Thinking about it now, I kind of wonder how a joke could do so much.

Thanks very much for reading 💝

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Sometimes romantic April Fool's jokes reveal or evoke hidden emotions. John clearly had other thoughts about the note and felt hurt while you were just pranking him. What followed was due to John's anger which lead to a change in teh relationship. In some ways your prank backfired.

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It wasn’t a nice experience.
Thanks very much for your comment 💝
