L.A.C in the Power of Unity.


United we stand, divided we fall.

The power of unity is so substantial in carrying out a task successfully and without coming together, there is no way forward for a particular thing to come to fruition when it has to do with a group of people coming together to make it happen.

L.A.C is the acronym for Love, Agreement, and Cooperation which sums up everything when it comes to Unity. The reason why people end up fighting, disagreeing, and not carrying out a task is that there is no love, there is no agreement to seal the activity, and no cooperation. It takes LAC to bring two or more groups of people together in achieving a goal to the best of all.

We have been at home since we finished our final examination and it is over 14 months already without a statement of result that could enable students who needed to work to survive, because no organization was willing to employ them without proof that they went to school and graduated. There has not been clearance and we aren't guaranteed of going for National Youth Service Corps which is a one-year program for all Nigerian graduates who are below 30 years to serve their dear country. We have been deprived of work to feed ourselves, thank God for most of us who had to stay on blogging and online job with our smartphones, while others are sitting at home doing nothing all because they are waiting for school to call them back for clearance and go for service.

Just recently, my school has been unnecessarily increasing fees for all students and it's so insane to see the quick changes which have made some students frustrated and worried about where and how to get the money paid so they don't forfeit their grades and academics. Hearing this change saddens many students including myself because our plans have been thwarted because of this delay and the school management kept mute all these while without feeding us what is going on and what is causing the delay in our clearance that is over a year already which shouldn't be so. Our parents thought we are deceiving them because they assumed we aren't done with school, and no matter of explanation we made could make them believe us.

All graduates in each department created a Whatsapp group which I was included in to get updates on what is going on. But we kept our hopes high while praying alongside too. Last month, some students decided to protest because the school has taken everyone as dummies who couldn't speak up and fight for our rights, and while this is ongoing, many students couldn't turn up when the idea of going for a protest in the school came up as no one was willing to risk their lives for such thing. But two weeks ago, there was a 400% hike in Alumni fees for Nce and Degree students which was alarming and unheard of. Before the hike, Nce graduates used to pay #2,000 ($2.70), this is a P2P exchange rate of dollars which is (#740), while Degree graduates pay #2,500 ($3.38) but it got increased to ($10.8) for Nce and ($13.51) for degree graduates.

That was insane and an inconsiderate move. The NCE students were forced to pay since they started their clearance because they needed the result for the processing of degree studies, they had no choice but to pay. But, this act infuriated the major students in our group and they had to come together in agreement by choosing a specified date to go for the protest.

There was love, agreement, and cooperation amongst these students who are still angry at the school management for not answering us with our clearance and they are here increasing fees unnecessarily, and the worse is that, if the protest wasn't planned and done, the payment of the fees will affect us too while we pay such huge amount of money. They did protest on Wednesday and they made changes the next day by taking the fees back to the initial fee. This wouldn't have been possible if they didn't take such steps to disagree with the management and our complaints had been looked into. They also fought for everyone concerning our clearance and steps have been taken which they promised to get back to us before the end of the month so we can start our clearance.

The next batch for the NYSC registration will start in June or July and the school is working to make sure we register and go for service. For the Nce students that have paid the new money, it will be returned to them since the fees have been taken back to how it was before.

I saw the circular of the Alumni fees changed back to normal and I saw how the power of unity happened, this was a result of love, agreement, and cooperation among Nigerian students of the school to take upon and risk themselves to vent their anger while representing others who couldn't go including myself, but we came together to work on it.

Thanks for your time on my blog.

Thumbnail Image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels, edited on Canva


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When ever people come together to do something, it sometimes turn out positively. I like that the students came together to fight against such increase. 400% increase was very inconsiderate!.


Yes, the increase was nonsense and thank God the students did the right thing to fight for everyone. Thanks for showing up.


It's always a pleasure ✨


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