RE: Peppy On The Lam


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Afternoon Johann. It was great to know @bigtom13 had a good experience with a skunk. Most people, when I mention about a skunk, turn up their noses and say eeeeK, I wouldn’t want a skunk around. They don’t understand the dynamics of a skunk and what a gentle little critter it really is.

I have a sinking feeling something happened to Peppy, either killed on the road or someone has trapped him. If trapped they would take the skunk a long way from here and let him loose.

There was a skunk killed on the road about 6 km from here towards Montague. I don’t know if Peppy would travel that far but they do check out new territory.

It’s raining softly here this morning and 24C.

Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday dear Johann.🤗


Good morning Jo,

I always liked to watch them because the skunks look so cute in black and white, but of course, I have never smelled one in my life. I also haven't known the things you told me about them, but I am sure I wouldn't have said eeeK 😉 although I would have had much respect of it 😊

I hope he/she is just strolling around and comes back with or without babies.

We have a hot Summer day at 29C, but they say it will rain tomorrow and cool down a bit. Hopefully the weekend will be nice again :)

Last night I was on a mountain nearby with my daughter because she wanted to see Neowise too, but either the comet is already too far away or it was hidden in the hazy area over the horizon, but we couldn't see it ... so we will wait for the next time when it flies by in about 5 or 6000 years 😁

I wish you also a wonderful day, dear Jo 😀

Cheers and !BEER


Hi Johann. It was a strange day with rain , then temps near 30C and later a flash heavy downpour of rain. Everything is lush and green.

It would have been nice if you had seen Neowise when your daughter was with you. But Maybe in another lifetime or 6000 yrs.😀

Still no sign of Peppy. 😒

Have a happy Wednesday dear Johann. 😊


Good morning Jo,

We had over 30 C yesterday and they predicted rainstorms from today on, but the sky is blue and we have about 26 C. Some cool rain would be nice though 🌧️

Yes, it would have been cool if we had seen the comet, but we had a nice walk and time together after quite a while, and that was great too 😀

Maybe Peppy has really moved somewhere else where he has found nice people too.

Have a wonderful Wednesday too, dear Jo 😊

Cheers and !BEER


Good morning Johann. We are in for a few days around 30C but cooler at night. Summer is going fast.

I’m glad you had some quality father and daughter time even without Neowise appearing. 😊

It’s been lovely to see all the lovely comments from others who had a close connection with a skunk.

Have a wonderful Thursday and hopefully a nice rainfall dear Johann. 😊


Good morning Jo 😊

Yesterday was hot, but the rain in the evening cooled the air a bit down. For today they predict up to 30 C but also rain - I'll see if I get wet from rain or from sweating 😉

Yes, the time with my daughter was nice - such times happens only seldom, because although she is still living at home she has her own life now.

You see, you are not alone, Jo, and I think we all would love to see a post "Peppy is back with family" 😁

You have a wonderful day too, dear Jo 😊

Cheers and !BEER


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