Neoxian City Minetest server - Quality of life improvements and new mine.

The Neoxian City minetest server continues to develop, both in quality of life add-ons and community growth. Some of the latest add-ons include charcoal,so we can turn logs into charcoal and make torches (yay!) and enchanting. Enchanting is a big qality of life improvement in that we can put eficiency and unbreaking on our tools, making mining a lot faster. Downside with the enchant add-on is that fortune does not seem to work properly on pickaxes. We’re thinking there may be an add-on causing a conflict.

street light using mesecon devices

Another interesting add-on is mesecon machines, and I dug up a site with some nice examples, and following them I made the lightpost pictured above. I found the info for making it towards the bottom of

mine shaft and levator

I decided to start a new mining operation that is a couple thousand blocks away from the main activity hub, and have attempted to keep my tunneling reasonably organized. As it gets tiring going up and down ladders for several minutes (time wasted) I am using elevators to get down to different levels ni the mine. This is a more efficient use of resources as my supply of mese crystals that are needed to make travelnet boxes is rather limited at this stage of the game.


From there, I tunnel in a straight line out until I it a cavern, placing torches along the way. Once I find a cavern, I try to figure out a way, short of using a water slide, or glider to parachute into the darkness, to get down to the floor of the cavern, line up a spot for an elevator, and build a smallish shelter around the elevator. So far, following this strategy, I have hit a couple of caverns that have yielded up gold, iron, and mese crystals. I have yet to get deep enough to hit diamonds. The MOBS at these levels are mostly not very dangerous now that I have iron armor and a diamond sword (enchanted), but there is one MOB that toses explosive bolts that is a bit tougher than the other MOBS I have run across. Currently, my new mine is at Z= -849. not quite deep enough for diamonds...yet. But getting there.

the first book - The New Mine

For fun, and I mean just for fun, I started using chatGPT to generate short stories that I put into books, then store in the bookshelves in my main house (yes, I started I second house elsewhere, for fun). So far there are six or seven books in the house, a few in the basement and a few more upstairs in the bedroom area. If you are in game, feel free to come give them a read (but please leave them where you found them).

Who wouldn't want to beat Cthulhu? (odds are against winning)

Buskeria - because I play Rising Star

Yes, the stories are rather simplistic, and silly, but hey, chatGPT lacks creative imagination. But it is fun to include some books in the house, especially since bookshelves are required to be in the house (and required to activate an enchanting table) may as well put them to use. chatGPT may not be the best tool to quickly develop short stories, however, when using it strictly for fun and silliness, it works okay. It's all in good fun.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you are interested in the Neoxian city minetest server, checkout their discord channel for details.

Posted using Neoxian City
