Pot Calling The Kettle Black?

A lot of people, including some tribe admins, are visibly and vocally upset about the tactics taken by Tron Foundation today. However, let's take a look at a different

Obviously not on the scale of what is going on regarding Steemit and Steem, but suppose an individual purchased, originating with fiat, miners from a Tribe on this blockchain with the expectation that the purchaser would earn rewards from those miners.

Now suppose those rewards were showing up daily, but could not be claimed because that purchaser was "muted" without notice, explanation or any communication. Suppose that purchaser request for explanation continued to be ignored.

No disclosure stating that if you invest in our miners we may arbitrarily and without notice deny you claiming the rewards earned with no reasonable explanation or appeal and that your investment is worthless unless you sell at a loss. But, if you "unstake" your miners we are going to drag out the release of those miners over a significant period of time. Seems that is crossing an ethical if not legal line as well.

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
