RE: Winter Icelandic landscapes


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Beautiful landscapes, it almost looks as if it would be from another planet. Good that work is finally coming back, I am planning to travel as soon as possible so maybe I will stay in that hotel where you work?
I am new to hive, but what I think is missing here is some kind of a marketplace with real world assets like holiday homes and services like barbers etc. I would be totally willing to pay with HBD for almost anything I can get in the real world. Also since we are all scattered over the entire globe there is plenty of possibilities.
Sorry for posting this under your post but I think the more influential Hiveans see this reply the better!
I also have a question about the curation team:
Is there a way to get in the curation team? And how does it work? I am a photographer and filmmaker, and hold a bachelor of art and design in multi media art. And I love pasting through work :)


I often say the same for Iceland. Land from another planet!
If you are comming to Slovenia, make sure to contact me. I will get you great deal for accommodation and be at your disposal for any help with researching the city.

If you ask me, we are still at the begining with Hive and whole crypto World, looking big picture. Who knows what future holds...

No problem, feel free to ask questions here on Hive. The more you will engage with others, the better your chances are to be accepted throughout. Same is with curation. You have to be invited by some member who sees your good work and he suggest you to become a member as well if there is need for help.
Hard work pays off!
I will monitor you and hopefully your Hive journey will be full of success!


Thanks! I will contact you, and thank you for your answers :)
